html - Animating css tabs using jquery -

i have css tabs,i trying fadein effect when tab clicked

i found 1 tutorial on web animate css tabs,however dont want change css,etc.i copy pasted jquery code , made necessary changes

here have tried far

the issue is,when reclick tabs,the content disappears.can me please.

here code


<!doctype html> <ul class="tabs clearfix">     <li><a href="#html" class="current">html</a>     </li>     <li><a href="#javascript">javascript</a>     </li>     <li><a href="#css">css</a>     </li> </ul> <div class="content">     <div class="current" id="html">grtgrtgrtg</div>     <div id="javascript">erfefr</div>     <div id="css">         <p>similar the css used style tooltip, or info box.</p>     </div> </div> 


  function resettabs() {         $(".content > div").hide(); //hide content         $(".tabs a").attr("class", ""); //reset id's           }      var myurl = window.location.href; //get url     var myurltab = myurl.substring(myurl.indexof(".")); // localhost/tabs.html#tab2, myurltab = .tab2          var myurltabname = myurltab.substring(0, 4); // above example, myurltabname = #tab      (function () {         $(".content > div").hide(); // hide content         $(".tabs li:first a").attr("class", "current"); // activate first tab         $(".content > div:first").fadein(); // show first tab content          $(".tabs a").on("click", function (e) {             e.preventdefault();             if ($(this).attr("id") == "current") { //detection current tab                 return             } else {                 resettabs();                 $(this).attr("class", "current"); // activate                 $($(this).attr('name')).fadein(); // show content current tab             }         });          (i = 1; <= $(".tabs li").length; i++) {             if (myurltab == myurltabname + i) {                 resettabs();                 $("a[name='" + myurltab + "']").attr("id", "current"); // activate url tab                 $(myurltab).fadein(); // show url tab content                     }         }     })()         

can me please.

i've updated code , works now:

(function () {      $(".tabs a").on("click", function(e) {         e.preventdefault();         var hash = $(this).attr('href');         window.location.hash = 'tab-' + hash.replace('#', '');          if ($(this).hasclass("current")) { //detection current tab             return;         } else {             $(".content > div").hide();             $(".tabs a").removeclass("current");             $(this).addclass("current"); // activate             $(hash).fadein(); // show content current tab         }     });      $(".tabs li:first a").trigger('click'); // activate first tab      if(window.location.hash != ''){         $('.tabs a[href="'+window.location.hash.replace('tab-', '')+'"]').trigger('click');     }  })(); 

here's updated example:
