Set function return type in Haxe -

for reason, error message whenever try compile simple function: test.hx:1: lines 1-7 : invalid -main : test has invalid main function

public static function main(a:int, b:int){     trace("calling main function");     return a+b; } 

i'm not sure why happening. what's wrong function definition, , how can compile correctly? tried reading the documentation, , found unclear in explanation of how set function return types.

the special main entry function must void->void function. i.e. no param , no return value allowed. remember there no command line argument concept in js/flash, haxe compiles to. have use system targets' api that:

  • sys.args() : array<string> command line params.
  • sys.exit( code : int ) : void exit exit code.

fyi, doc of sys @


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