vba - Visual Basic-Excel copy only some column to other sheet -

is there way click , copy value of column other sheet.

this picture explain more: enter image description here

here code have errors dont know why:

private sub worksheet_selectionchange(byval target range) sheets("sheetb").select     ' find last row of data     finalrow = cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row     ' loop through each row     x = 1 finalrow         ' decide if copy based on column in sheetb         thisvalue = cells(x, 1).value         if thisvalue = target.value             cells(x, 1).resize(1, 33).copy             sheets("sheetc").select             nextrow = cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row + 1             cells(nextrow, 1).select             activesheet.paste             sheets("sheetb").select          end if     next x  end sub 

try below code :

kindly add header columns on sheet b before running code. suggest using procedure worksheet_selectionchange event.

private sub worksheet_selectionchange(byval target range)      application.enableevents = false     on error resume next      dim rngfind range     dim firstcell string     dim integer      if target.column = 1 & target.value <> ""          set rngfind = sheets("sheetb").columns(1).find(what:=target.value, lookin:=xlvalues, lookat:=xlwhole, searchorder:=xlbyrows)          if not rngfind nothing firstcell = rngfind.address          = 1         while not rngfind nothing              sheets("sheetc").cells(i, 1).value = rngfind             sheets("sheetc").cells(i, 2).value = rngfind.offset(0, 1)             sheets("sheetc").cells(i, 3).value = target.offset(0, 1)              = + 1             set rngfind = sheets("sheetb").columns(1).findnext(rngfind)             if rngfind.address = firstcell exit         loop     end if      application.enableevents = true end sub 


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