android - Where is cordova-2.7.0.jar? -

i struggle build first android app html5.

so, follow this detailed tutorial...

it seems should add .jar of cordova project's libs folder, in order able call cordova's functionnalities in file. however, can't find cordova-2.7.0.jar file anywhere.

maybe shall generate it? therefore tried other option, creating project command line tool following official getting started guide, there's no cordova.jar either in generated project files.

i feel cordova not easy handle @ first...

(by way, i'm looking cordova js file...)

edit: answer poiuytrez, here cordova package, downloaded enter image description here

in order obtain cordova.2.x.x.jar file have following steps:

  1. download phonegap website project. version 2.9.1 follow link: , navigate version looking (2.9.1) link

  2. once downloaded , unzipped, navigate directory framework in phonegap-2.9.1/lib/android/framework

  3. you have choose version of android want use target version of android phonegap compiled for, if have downloaded android sdk , added path variable of system (if have not below) can this:

    android list targets 

(if dont have sdk in system path yet, need add 2 directories tool , platform-tools inside sdk folder. try previos command and...)

it give answer one:      available android targets:     ----------     id: 1 or "android-8"     name: android 2.2     type: platform     api level: 8     revision: 3     skins: wqvga432, qvga, wqvga400, wvga854, wvga800 (default), hvga     abis : armeabi     ----------     id: 2 or "android-17"     name: android 4.2.2     type: platform     api level: 17     revision: 2     skins: wxga720, wxga800-7in, wqvga432, wsvga, qvga, wqvga400, wxga800, wvga854, wvga800 (default), hvga     abis : armeabi-v7a, x86     ----------     id: 3 or "google inc.:google apis:17"     name: google apis     type: add-on     vendor: google inc.     revision: 3     description: android + google apis     based on android 4.2.2 (api level 17)     libraries:     * (effects.jar)       collection of video effects     * (usb.jar)       api usb accessories     * (maps.jar)       api google maps     skins: wvga854, wqvga400, wsvga, wxga800-7in, wxga720, hvga, wqvga432, wvga800 (default), qvga, wxga800     abis : armeabi-v7a     ----------     id: 4 or "android-19"     name: android 4.4     type: platform     api level: 19     revision: 1     skins: wxga720, wxga800-7in, wqvga432, wsvga, qvga, wqvga400, wxga800, wvga854, wvga800 (default), hvga     abis : armeabi-v7a 
  1. i choose last 1 did:

    android update project -p . -t android-19 
  2. and finally

    ant jar 

    the result like:

    [jar] building jar: /home/jgonzalezd/downloads/phonegap-2.9.1/lib/android/framework/cordova-2.9.1.jar  build successful total time: 10 seconds 

now you've got jar.
