java - JTable Clickable Header in swing -
this question has answer here:
- jtable clickable column header 1 answer
- how can put control in jtableheader of jtable? 3 answers
hello have hard time solving puzzle. professor gave code , told change make column head clickable.can change me.? wasted 4 hours :( not great in java swings below code... below code :
package academic.emailclient.view; import java.awt.color; import java.awt.dimension; import java.awt.font; import java.util.arraylist; import; import java.util.vector; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import academic.emailclient.model.message; import academic.emailclient.view.entities.messageview; public class mailbox extends jframe { jtable tableinbox; private final int mailbox_frame_width = 1080; private final int mailbox_frame_height = 650; static final boolean visible = true; public mailbox() { object[] columnnamesinbox = { "boolean", "sender", "subject", "body" }; object[][] datainbox = { { false, "", "d", "t" }, { false, "", "projhsdject work", "i " }, { false, "", "job placement","iut that" }, { true, "", "s1", "as" } }; defaulttablemodel modelinbox = new defaulttablemodel(datainbox, columnnamesinbox); tableinbox = new jtable(modelinbox) { @override public class getcolumnclass(int columninbox) { switch (columninbox) { case 0: return boolean.class; case 1: return string.class; case 2: return string.class; case 3: return string.class; default: return boolean.class; } } }; tableinbox.setbackground(color.lightgray); tableinbox.setgridcolor(new color(0,128,0)); jtableheader inboxheader = tableinbox.gettableheader(); inboxheader.setbackground(color.dark_gray); inboxheader.setforeground(color.white); } public int getmesssagescount(int i) { return 0; } public int getcheckeditemsnumber(int i) { return 0; } public object[][] getcheckeditems() { return getcheckeditems(); } public object[][] getmail() { return getmail(); } public object[][] orderbydate() { return orderbydate(); } public object[][] orderbysender() { return orderbysender(); } public object[][] orderbysubject() { return orderbysubject(); } public jtable getmailbox() { return tableinbox; } public void run() { jframe mailboxframe = new jframe(); mailboxframe.setmaximumsize(new dimension(mailbox_frame_width, mailbox_frame_height)); mailboxframe.setpreferredsize(new dimension(mailbox_frame_width, mailbox_frame_height)); mailboxframe.setbounds(0, 0, mailbox_frame_width, mailbox_frame_height); mailboxframe.setvisible(visible); mailboxframe.setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close); } }
professor gave code , told change make column head clickable
see jtable.setautocreaterowsorter(true)
. e.g. might see after clicking cat.
column header. small upwards pointing arrow indicates table sorted on column.
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