eclipse - Egit strange behavior when checkout -

i'm starting work egit. i've created initial repository , i've done changes , commits version2. came initial version , changed files , committed changes. did merge conflicts , resulting tree:

enter image description here

the strange thing when checkout 1 branch files appear unstaged (">"). fix reset changes, when checkout branch happens again.

if close eclipse , open repository in git extensions can checkout different branches without problem.

sometimes when want reset changes eclipse remove "ghost changes" can't because conflict dialog reopen again , again when press reset button.

edit: post diff o file.

diff --git a/myapp/res/values/styles.xml b/myapp/res/values/styles.xml index 79a39af..afe1d34 100644 --- a/myapp/res/values/styles.xml +++ b/myapp/res/values/styles.xml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@  <resources>       <!-- -        base application theme, dependent on api level. theme replaced +        base application theme, dependent on api level. theme replaced          appbasetheme res/values-vxx/styles.xml on newer devices.      -->      <style name="appbasetheme" parent="android:theme.light">          <!-- -            theme customizations available in newer api levels can go in -            res/values-vxx/styles.xml, while customizations related +            theme customizations available in newer api levels can go in +            res/values-vxx/styles.xml, while customizations related              backward-compatibility can go here.          -->      </style> 

it's seems differences when there crlf.

if core.autocrlf set true, recommend (as do) set false, , limit end-of-line conversion core.eol directives in .gitattributes files.

once core.autocrlf set false, can check if going 1 branch still makes "ghost changes".


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