python - CMake find_package(PythonLibs) not working -

i trying use python.h in c++ project compiled g++. using cmake generate proper include/lib links. using built-in feature

find_package(pythonlibs required) 

but cannot working. have been looking in findpythonlibs.cmake see cmake looking , found registry keys missing on machine. example in python_include_dir section : [hkey_local_machine\\software\\python\\pythoncore\\${_current_version}\\installpath]/include

here found in registry :

  • hkey_local_machine\\software\\python.compiledfile
  • hkey_local_machine\\software\\python.file
  • hkey_local_machine\\software\\python.noconfile

i have python files installed in c:/python33 , find_package(pythoninterp) working fine (maybe because finds .exe file without having hit registry). seems things missing... there quick way fix ?

[setup] : python 3.3.2, win8 64bit

i had 32-bit mingw , 64-bit python distribution... installed 32-bit python distribution , find_package(pythonlibs) working.
