c - Hello world with TDD and continuous integration using Eclipse CDT + Jenkins + Maven -

i moving netbeans eclipse. looking tutorial show me how use following eclipse:

  • maven
  • jenkins
  • a c testing framework c89spec

my projects either c or c++, of cdt tools (autotools, cmake etc) useful.

ideally, hello world project shared library each function tested (tdd style)- since of modules shared libs

as you're moving eclipse know have have cdt ( c development toolkit ) plugin eclipse write code in c.

maven eclipse called m2e , can located @ http://eclipse.org/m2e/ - if you're familiar maven - getting used in eclipse relatively easy.

for testing - please see tutorial: https://github.com/xgsa/cdt-tests-runner/wiki/tutorial

a plugin working jenkins described here: http://ralf.schaeftlein.de/2011/07/15/control-hudson-or-jenkins-from-eclipse-indigo-3-7/

good luck!
