android - Tabs content is visible on top of another after screen rotation -

i have read alot on stackoverflow on fragments issues cant find solution problem.

i have tabhost , when change rotation of device , select tab, view first tab visible. both tabs content on top of each other.

i'm using a custom tablistener , every tab fragment. bypass android:configchanges="keyboardhidden|orientation|screensize"but solution gave me list of other problems , read bad solution.

public class tablistener<t extends fragment> implements actionbar.tablistener {      private fragment fragment;     private final fragmentactivity activity;     private final string tag;     private final class<t> myclass;     private long id;      public tablistener(fragmentactivity a, string t, class<t> c, long id) {         tag = t;         myclass = c;         activity = a; = id;     }      /** following each of actionbar.tablistener callbacks */     public void ontabselected(tab tab, fragmenttransaction ft) {          // check if fragment initialized         if (fragment == null) {             fragment = fragment.instantiate(activity, myclass.getname());              // sends stored timerclass id fragment             if(id != 0) {                 bundle b = new bundle();                 b.putlong("id", id);                 fragment.setarguments(b);             }              ft.add(, fragment, tag);          } else { // if exists, attach in order show             ft.attach(fragment);         }     }      public void ontabunselected(tab tab, fragmenttransaction ft) {         if (fragment != null)             ft.detach(fragment);     }      public void ontabreselected(tab tab, fragmenttransaction ft) {         editnamedialog();     } } 

i dont know should handled in fragment, activity or in tablistener. tabs content viewd correctly until change screens orientation.

i found parts of answer here on stackoverflow.


this how solved problem. in tab listeners put:

fragment = activity.getsupportfragmentmanager().findfragmentbytag(tag); 

in both ontabselect() , ontabunselect()

select correct tab after orientation change

when screen rotates activity recreated(?) need store last selected tab index. save last selected tab (this goes in activity):

@override protected void onsaveinstancestate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.onsaveinstancestate(savedinstancestate);     savedinstancestate.putint("lasttab", actionbar.getselectednavigationindex()); } 

to load tab index, put in oncreate() of activity, way retreive last tab index , selects it:

if (savedinstancestate != null) {     actionbar.selecttab(actionbar.gettabat(savedinstancestate.getint("lasttab"))); } 

initialize controllers in fragment

to prevent controls diplay , behave odd moved controls inits in fragment oncreateview() this:

@override public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container, bundle savedinstancestate) {     view v = inflater.inflate(r.layout.timer, container, false);     initializecontrols(v);     setseekbars(v);           return v; } 

i hope else out there.


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