c# - How to make a validation of textbox in asp mvc and entity framework -

i developing asp .net mvc 3 application using c# , sql server 2005.

i using entity framework , code first method.

i have textbox want accept numbers (int).

i tried javascript failed because in form of class editor for.

example :

<div><%:html.label("nombre de passage :")%><%: html.editorfor(model=>model.nbr_passage)%></div> 

so, found in tuto have use data annotations

i tried in model :

[range(1, 100,          errormessage = "price must between 1 , 100")]          public int nbr_passage { get; set; } 

but when press button submit, error appears :

validation failed 1 or more entities. see 'entityvalidationerrors' property more details 

i made research it,,i found have use try catch. don't know , how use it.

this code of controller (function when submit) :

public actionresult save(flowviewmodel model)         {              if (modelstate.isvalid)                 {             gamme g = new gamme();             g.id_gamme = model.selectedprofile_ga;             g.id_poste = model.selectedposte;             g.last_posts = model.posteprecedentselected;             g.next_posts = model.postesuivantselected;             g.nbr_passage = int.parse(model.nbr_passage);             g.position = int.parse(model.position);             listg.add(g);             db.gammes.add(g);             db.savechanges();             }             return redirecttoaction("index");          } 

update : code of javascript affect on button open view :

<input type="button" value="configurer" id="btnshowgestion" /></div>      <div id="divgestion"><%: html.partial("gestion", model) %></div>        <% } %>            <script type="text/javascript">              $(document).ready(function () {                      $('#btnshowgestion').click(function () { $('#divgestion').slidetoggle("slow") });                });  </script> <fieldset> 

first of all, looks flowviewmodel uses string nbr_passage, otherwise don't understand int.parse. int should work fine.

second, don't see html.validationmessagefor calls add validators fields , don't mention call html.validationsummary render summary form whole. want add (one of) those.


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