actionbarsherlock - Android-Studio ActionBar sherlock error with gradle -

though have imported , added actionbar sherlock project, not able compile project. following error:

gradle: no resource found matches given name (at 'theme' value '@style/theme.sherlock').

how solve this?? please help...

there bug in android studio doesn't handle library dependencies while exporting gradle file. can manually edit library dependencies 1 of following method.

1) instance, given following structure:


  • app/
  • libraries/
    • lib1/
    • lib2/

we can identify 3 projects. gradle reference them following name:

  1. :app
  2. :libraries:lib1
  3. :libraries:lib2

the :app project depend on libraries, , done declaring following dependencies:

dependencies {     compile project(':libraries:lib1') } 

2) or do file -> project structure -> modules there find dependencies tab, click on , manually add libraries pressing on "+" button.

for sherlock, may want delete test directory, or add junit.jar file classpath


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