.htaccess - Convert ugly urls to user friendly urls -

in website there lot of ugly urls , need rewrite them nice user friendly urls.

these of ugly urls website :

http://www.mydomain.com/profiles/tutors/index.php?code=1285&name=ricky+pointing http://www.mydomain.com/profiles/centers/index.php?code=2285&name=city+&+gills http://www.mydomain.com/about.php http://www.mydomain.com/contact.php.... , more 

so looking nice user friendly solution above ugly urls, :

http://www.mydomain.com/tutors/ricky_pointing.html http://www.mydomain.com/centers/city_&_gills.html http://www.mydomain.com/about.html http://www.mydomain.com/contact.html 

i tried similar in .htaccess file..

rewriteengine on  rewritecond %{the_request} ^[a-z]{3,9}\ /profiles/tutors/index.php\?code=([0-9]+)&name=([^&]+)&?([^\ ]+) rewriterule ^profiles/tutors/index\.php /%1/%2/?%3 [r=301,l,ne]  rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewriterule ^([0-9]+)/(.+)/$ /profiles/tutors/index.php?code=$1&name=$2 [l,qsa] 

but still no luck. can me this? thank you.

i think might overcomplicating rewriteconds , such. you'll have rules this:

rewriterule ^about\.html$ about.php [l] rewriterule ^contact\.html$ contact.php [l] rewriterule ^tutors/(.*)\.html$ /profiles/tutors/index.php?name=%1 [l] rewriterule ^centers/(.*)\.html$ /profiles/centers/index.php?name=%1 [l] 

you'll have modify php scripts appropriate thing name without relying on having code present. it'll have deal presence of underscores existed in original url.


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