erlang - ChicagoBoss rejects user as a model name -

so following tutorial:

everything works charm except can not use "user" modelname. minimum usecase:

 -module(customer, [id, name, passwordhash]).  -compile(export_all). 

this work fine.

 -module(user, [id, name, passwordhash]).  -compile(export_all). 

this stacktrace, , on ./rebar compile, throws:

 error: pre_compile failed while processing /users/abe/github/awesome-name: {'exit',{{badmatch,{error,["code reload failed: user"]}},      [{boss_load,load_all_modules,3,                  [{file,"src/boss/boss_load.erl"},{line,30}]},       {boss_load,load_all_modules_and_emit_app_file,2,                  [{file,"src/boss/boss_load.erl"},{line,44}]},       {boss_rebar,compile,4,                   [{file,"/users/abe/github/chicagoboss/priv/rebar/boss_rebar.erl"},                    {line,85}]},       {boss_plugin,pre_compile,2,                    [{file,"priv/rebar/boss_plugin.erl"},{line,105}]},       {rebar_core,run_modules,4,[]},       {rebar_core,execute,5,[]},       {rebar_core,process_dir1,6,[]},       {rebar_core,process_commands,2,[]}]}} 

this occurs both {db_adapter, mock} , {db_adapter, mongo}.

anybody know what's going on? user keyword reserved somewhere? can't find in documentation if is...

erlang has flat module namespace. there module named user in kernel application.


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