java - Debug GWT app locally/remotely while running on Tomcat -

all of tutorials/links/articles have found debugging gwt involve:

  • using google-eclipse plugin; and
  • running gwt in development mode inside eclipse (with eclipse web container)

i know how debug gwt app while runs non-eclipse web container; full-blown tomcat instance either running on same machine (localhost:8080) or on remote machine somewhere else.

ideally, i'd able access app normally, via browser, interact app (clicking buttons, etc.), eclipse running in debug mode, , hit breakpoints set ahead of time (before deploy).

to surprise, there isn't out there on find, , nothing definitive. wondering if battle-weary gwt veterans shed light on how this.

if @ possible, i'd prefer not install google-eclipse plugin, unless only option achieving this. in advance!

i not sure if missed documentation. used remote debugging in dev mode server running in vm. can suggest 2 solutions.

if using version prior gwt 2.5 have give noserver argument in launch configuration providing url host page in server (tomcat etc). have extracted steps above documentation.

  1. configure server need to; note url contains host page gwt application.
  2. arrange static content files (such host html page, images, css, etc.) on server like.
  3. edit development mode execution script (such eclipse run configuration or ant development build target generated gwt webappcreator) , add or update following options: • add -noserver command line argument. • change url @ end of argument list match url recorded in step #1.
  4. compile application once using ant build target. ideally, can use gwt's -war option generate output files directly external server's static content folder. otherwise, you'll need copy the gwt output folder war/ external server's static content.

if using 2.5 or above can use super dev mode. in super dev mode can debug using browser no need of eclipse plugin. have tried , worked fine. unable load java sources using source maps. here documentation superdevmode configuration.


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