.net - vb.net exclude specific file names from copying? -

how exclude specific file being copied during copy process. want exclude being copied example name.xml, adress.xml , data.xml

here code msdn use:

    dim backupdir string = application.startuppath & "\backup"     dim sourcedir string = application.startuppath      if not directory.exists(backupdir)         io.directory.createdirectory(backupdir)     end if      try         dim xmllist string() = directory.getfiles(sourcedir, "*.xml")          each f string in xmllist             'remove path file name.             dim fname string = f.substring(sourcedir.length + 1)             file.copy(path.combine(sourcedir, fname), path.combine(backupdir, fname), true)         next     catch copyerror ioexception         console.writeline(copyerror.message)     end try 

prepare list(of string) names of files don't want copy, use path.getfilename extract filename full file names returned directory.getfiles(). before executing copy check if file contained in list of excludedfiles

   dim excludefiles = new list(of string)()    excludedfiles.add("file1.xml")    excludedfiles.add("file2.xml")    excludedfiles.add("file3.xml")      each f string in xmllist         'remove path file name.         dim fname string = path.getfilename(f)             if excludedfiles.indexof("file3.xml", _                stringcomparison.currentcultureignorecase) <> -1             file.copy(f, path.combine(backupdir, fname), true)         end if     next 


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