database - one php page with different contents and urls -
i have xml database stocked several blog posts. xml example: <element id="12" size="square" category="portfolio"> <tag tag="printer printing 3d apple iphone 5 bumper case"></tag> <icon class="icon-picture"></icon> <urlpage url="/contact/contact.html"></urlpage> <urlimage src='./post thumbnail images/01.png'></urlimage> <date date="8 apr"></date> <title>minimal bumper iphone 5 : protect iphone lightwheight , protect full case </title> </element> i want have website based on 2 main php pages. main index.php page blog post thumbnails , links displayed. , single.php page each blog posts can displayed individually. how can load, change content , url of single.php page when click on blog post thumbnail link in index.php page (finally, think, wordpress without use it)? if possible, how works seo...