mvc - How to export to pdf, word, excel file -

i use mvc 3. have these 2 requirement. frist 1 creating invoice in application. want export datas pdf , word , excel file. downloaded itextsharp dll, can tel me there anyother alternative datas in ui pdf, word , excel document? second need print document after clicking print button. how connect printer print button in exported document ?

you can use snippet.

this one great. take on it.

this example of usage:


<asp:gridview id="gridview1" runat="server"   autogeneratecolumns = "false" font-names = "arial"   font-size = "11pt" alternatingrowstyle-backcolor = "#c2d69b"    headerstyle-backcolor = "green" allowpaging ="true"     onpageindexchanging = "onpaging" >  <columns>   <asp:boundfield itemstyle-width = "150px" datafield = "customerid"   headertext = "customerid" /> <asp:boundfield itemstyle-width = "150px" datafield = "city"   headertext = "city"/> <asp:boundfield itemstyle-width = "150px" datafield = "country"   headertext = "country"/> <asp:boundfield itemstyle-width = "150px" datafield = "postalcode"   headertext = "postalcode"/>  </columns> </asp:gridview> 

c# pdf example

protected void btnexportpdf_click(object sender, eventargs e) { response.contenttype = "application/pdf"; response.addheader("content-disposition",  "attachment;filename=gridviewexport.pdf"); response.cache.setcacheability(httpcacheability.nocache); stringwriter sw = new stringwriter(); htmltextwriter hw = new htmltextwriter(sw); gridview1.allowpaging = false; gridview1.databind(); gridview1.rendercontrol(hw); stringreader sr = new stringreader(sw.tostring()); document pdfdoc = new document(pagesize.a4, 10f,10f,10f,0f); htmlworker htmlparser = new htmlworker(pdfdoc); pdfwriter.getinstance(pdfdoc, response.outputstream);; htmlparser.parse(sr); pdfdoc.close(); response.write(pdfdoc); response.end();  } 

c# excel example

protected void btnexportexcel_click(object sender, eventargs e) { response.clear(); response.buffer = true;  response.addheader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=gridviewexport.xls"); response.charset = ""; response.contenttype = "application/"; stringwriter sw = new stringwriter(); htmltextwriter hw = new htmltextwriter(sw);  gridview1.allowpaging = false; gridview1.databind();  //change header row white color"background-color", "#ffffff");  //apply style individual cells gridview1.headerrow.cells[0].style.add("background-color", "green"); gridview1.headerrow.cells[1].style.add("background-color", "green"); gridview1.headerrow.cells[2].style.add("background-color", "green"); gridview1.headerrow.cells[3].style.add("background-color", "green");    (int = 0; < gridview1.rows.count;i++ ) { gridviewrow row = gridview1.rows[i];  //change color white row.backcolor = system.drawing.color.white;  //apply text style each row row.attributes.add("class", "textmode");  //apply style individual cells of alternating row if (i % 2 != 0) {     row.cells[0].style.add("background-color", "#c2d69b");     row.cells[1].style.add("background-color", "#c2d69b");     row.cells[2].style.add("background-color", "#c2d69b");     row.cells[3].style.add("background-color", "#c2d69b");   } } gridview1.rendercontrol(hw);  //style format numbers string string style = @"<style> .textmode { mso-number-format:\@; } </style>";  response.write(style); response.output.write(sw.tostring()); response.flush(); response.end(); } 


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