xcode - Deducting lives on Cocos2D -

say if had apple falling top of screen , player needs catch before gone of screen @ bottom. want give player 3 (lives) chances catch apple. each time object reaches bottom of screen lives should go -1.

apple = [ccsprite spritewithfile:@"apple2.png"]; apple.position = ccp(250,768); [self addchild:apple]; 

this apple sprite created above gets updated until reaches bottom of screen:

-(void) calleveryframe:(cctime)dt {     apple.position = ccp(apple.position.x, apple.position.y -200*dt);     if (apple.position.y < -100+64)     {         apple.position = ccp(apple.position.x, 768);     } } 

the if statement testing make apple fall again if missed.

any appreciated!, thanks.

create integer inside @interface u did ccspirte apple this

@interface nameofmyclass : ccscene {      int mylife;  } 

set mylife 3, mylife = 3; in init method, inside -(void) calleveryframe:(cctime)dt

if (apple.position.y < -100+64) {     apple.position = ccp(apple.position.x, 768);     mylife--;  }  if (mylife == 0)  {      //game_over } 
