c++ - Vector of pointers segfaulting on call to size() and upon creation of an iterator -

i have class contains vector of pointers class. in of member functions, can access , modify vector fine. however, in 1 function calling .size() or getting iterator causes segfault in program.

here class vector of pointers class:

class floor { public:   floor(string imagefile, string a_walkwayfile, string waypointfile, int a_id, sf::vector2i a_pos);   ~floor();    int getid() { return id; };   void update(sf::renderwindow* app);   sf::sprite* getsprite() { return sprite; };   vector<int> parsecsvline(string line);   void loadwalkways();   void converttoview(sf::renderwindow* app, sf::view* view);   bool pointinwalkway(sf::vector2f pt);  private:   vector<sf::rectangleshape*> walkways;   sf::sprite* sprite;   int id;   float scale;   string walkwayfile; }; 

here snippet whee objects added vector:

walkways.push_back(new sf::rectangleshape()); walkways[walkways.size() - 1]->setposition(sf::vector2f(parsedline[0], parsedline[1])); walkways[walkways.size() - 1]->setsize(sf::vector2f(parsedline[2] - parsedline[0], parsedline[3] - parsedline[1])); walkways[walkways.size() - 1]->setfillcolor(sf::color(0,0,255,25)); walkways[walkways.size() - 1]->setoutlinecolor(sf::color::blue); walkways[walkways.size() - 1]->setoutlinethickness(3); 

here snippet of code accesses vector fine always:

void floor::update(sf::renderwindow* app) {   app->draw(*sprite);    for(int = 0; < walkways.size(); ++i)     app->draw(*walkways[i]); } 

now here function every call or reference function results in segfault:

bool floor::pointinwalkway(sf::vector2f pt) {   cout << walkways.size() << endl; // segfaults    if(walkways.size() != 0) // segfaults     for(vector<sf::rectangleshape*>::iterator = walkways.begin(); != walkways.end(); ++it) // segfaults too!       if((*it)->getglobalbounds().contains(pt.x, pt.y))         return true;   return false; } 

any pointers how fix appreciated!

your file loop reads 1 many times, try using loop structure:

    string line;     getline(file, line);         while(file)     {           if(parsedline.size() == 4)           {             walkways.push_back(new sf::rectangleshape());             walkways[walkways.size() - 1]->setposition(sf::vector2f(parsedline[0], parsedline[1]));             walkways[walkways.size() - 1]->setsize(sf::vector2f(parsedline[2] - parsedline[0], parsedline[3] - parsedline[1]));             walkways[walkways.size() - 1]->setfillcolor(sf::color(0,0,255,25));              walkways[walkways.size() - 1]->setoutlinecolor(sf::color::blue);             walkways[walkways.size() - 1]->setoutlinethickness(3);             /*sf::rectangleshape* rect = new sf::rectangleshape();             rect->setposition(sf::vector2f(parsedline[0], parsedline[1]));             rect->setsize(sf::vector2f((float)parsedline[2] - parsedline[0], (float)parsedline[3] - parsedline[1]));             rect->setfillcolor(sf::color(0,0,0,0));             //rect->setorigin(sf::vector2f(parsedline[0], parsedline[2]));             //cout << parsedline[0] << ", " << parsedline[1] << endl;             rect->setoutlinecolor(sf::color::blue);             rect->setoutlinethickness(3);             walkways.push_back(rect);*/           }            getline(file, line);     }    

this prevents file reading 1 many times , stop correctly.
