php - hashing password in registration different from the login password -
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i have registration page allows users insert password. hash password upon registration stored more securely in database.
when user logs in same password, 2 hashes don't match , user cannot log in.
this first time using hash , didn't behave expected:
this hashing code on registration page:
$salt =""; function cryptpass($input, $rounds = 9) { $salt = ""; $saltchars = array_merge(range('a','z'), range('a','z'), range('0','9')); for($i = 0; $i<22; $i++) { $salt .=$saltchars[array_rand($saltchars)]; } return crypt($input, sprintf('$2y$%02d$test$', $rounds) . $salt); } $hashedpass = cryptpass($pass1); echo $hashedpass; //************insert members's input database**************************// $query = mysql_query("insert members(user_name, first_name, last_name, governorate, district, village, birth_date, email_address, specialization, password, salt, registered_date )values('$username', '$firstname', '$lastname', '$governorate', '$district', '$village', '$bdate', '$email', '$specialization', '$hashedpass', '$salt', now())")or die(mysql_error());
i did add salt give empty
this hashing code on login page
function cryptpass($input, $rounds = 9) { $salt = ""; $saltchars = array_merge(range('a','z'), range('a','z'), range('0','9')); for($i = 0; $i<22; $i++) { $salt .=$saltchars[array_rand($saltchars)]; } return crypt($input, sprintf('$2y$%02d$test$', $rounds) . $salt); } $hashedpass = cryptpass($pass); echo $hashedpass; $sql=mysql_query( "select user_id, email_address, first_name, user_name members email_address='$email'and password= '$hashedpass' limit 1") or die("error in members table"); $login_check = mysql_num_rows($sql); if($login_check > 0)the hashing password = $2y$09$test$4zggcixdkzgqvuzwu.axfdwvzaddce.ld6hckrk3zsqjen7e
when user registers need store both salt , hashed password in database. when user tries log in need use same salt when registered, otherwise hash different. called per-user salt , more secure option.
a simpler, though less-secure option generate single salt value application , use users. have effect of keeping passwords hashed in database less secure because if salt value compromised it's trivial matter brute-force hashed passwords.
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