format - How to center align columns of different lengths using numpy.savetxt in Python? -

i have several lists contain both strings , floats elements.

import numpy num  column_1 = ['kic 7742534', 'variable star of rr lyr type' , 'v* v368 lyr',         'kic 7742534', '4.0', '0.4564816']  column_2 = ['kic 76', 'variable star' , 'v* v33 lyr',         'kic 76', '5.0', '0.45']  dat = num.column_stack((column_1, column_2)) num.savetxt('savetxt.txt', dat, delimiter=' ', fmt='{:^10}'.format('%s')) 

the output when running file following:

kic 7742534    ,    kic 76     variable star of rr lyr type    ,    variable star     v* v368 lyr    ,    v* v33 lyr     kic 7742534    ,    kic 76     4.0    ,    5.0     0.4564816    ,    0.45      

the ideal output (including aligned header)

#element1                            element2 kic 7742534                     ,    kic 76     variable star of rr lyr type    ,    variable star     v* v368 lyr                     ,    v* v33 lyr     kic 7742534                     ,    kic 76     4.0                             ,    5.0     0.4564816                       ,    0.45    

how output (with aligned header), if strings don't have max width defined. have tried modifying format of strings (fmt), no luck far.


you need calculate maximum string length of of longest row of output (or input depending on how @ it), method similar

max_len = max(max(map(len,l)) l in zip(column_1,column_2)) 

will achieve. after need change fmt parameters dynamically based on value of max_len can so:

fmt=('{:^%d}' % max_len).format('%s')

the following non-numpy example shows expected output:

with open('ofile.txt','w+') f:     max_len = max(max(map(len,l)) l in zip(column_1,column_2))     line in zip(column_1,column_2):         f.write(','.join(('{:<%s}' % (max_len)).format(e) e in line)+'\n') 

produces text file ofile.txt containing:

kic 7742534                 ,kic 76                       variable star of rr lyr type,variable star                v* v368 lyr                 ,v* v33 lyr                   kic 7742534                 ,kic 76                       4.0                         ,5.0                          0.4564816                   ,0.45           
