c# - Splitting only returns System.String[] instead of actual value -

i've searched while , still haven't found anything.

my problem is, want split value, delivered textbox 1 appears.

string t1 = textbox1.text; string[] split = t1.split(new char[] {'1'}); 

i'm delivering value written in variable textbox. problem is, won't display stuff comes after 1, should in split method. instead displays system.string[]. have ?


complete code part of program:

 {                 string t1 = textbox1.text;                 string[] split = t1.split(new char[] { });                 textbox1.text = split.tostring();                  if (split.length == 2)                     textbox4.text = split[1];                             url = "https://www.google.de/search?q=" + textbox3.text + "&um=1&client=" + split[1] + "-a&rls=org.mozilla:de:official&hl=de&" + textbox2.text + "=lnms&sa=x&ei=re2yud-rcyic4gthw4gwaq&ved=0cakq_auoaa&biw=1920&bih=951                  textbox4.text = url;             } 

i think assigning result textbox this:

textbox2.text = split.tostring(); 

the tostring() converting string[] split array string, default returns name of type, in case system.string[].

in order able use it, split array should have @ least 2 items in it; namely, substrings in textbox separated / characters.

i suspect want use characters after / so:

if (split.length >= 2)     textbox2.text = split[1]; 

string.split() work this:

if input text was: "abcd/efgh", split be:

split[0] == "abcd"; split[1] == "efgh"; 

and if input text was: "abcdefg", split be:

split[0] == "abcdefg"; // there no split[1] 

and if input text was: "ab/cd/ef", split be:

split[0] == "ab" split[1] == "cd" split[2] == "ef" 

note these last 2 cases both have split.length != 2.

what want last case, there 2 (or more) / characters in input?

[edit] looking @ last update, line of code wrong:

textbox1.text = split.tostring(); 

it should be:

if (split.length > 0)     textbox1.text = split[0]; 

read first part of answer above explanation split.tostring() does!

also, line wrong:

string[] split = t1.split(new char[] { }); 

it should

string[] split = t1.split(new [] {'/'}); 

you didn't specify character split on. comments below anwser, assume want split on '/'.

finally! line starting with:

url = "https: ... 

uses split[1] need protect if:

if (split.length > 1)     url = "https: ... else     url = "<didn't work!>"; // or something! :) 
