matlab - Passing variable from event handler -

i grateful help, advice or suggestion. have application control geodetic instrument using synchoronous interface. commands asynchronous nature, e.g. getreflectors. after command triggered receive many server answers number of available reflectors. have registered com event , associate handler function. far good. can display data coming not know how pass variable main function. tried save variable .mat file or in .txt file , read it. works in matlab not works in compiled .exe aplication (error firing event). disp command not work in compiled aplication (display nothing). main question is: how pass variables handler main function. there way? global variables? thank filip

edit: adding code demostrate problem... need save reflector name , reflector id user can choose 1 (because there multiple events coming different reflectors).

function pushbutton_getreflectors_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles)  ltsync = actxserver ('ltcontrol.ltcommandsync2');        %act server: ltconnect2                                          %list of com events ltsync.registerevent({'reflectorsdata' 'reflectorshandler'}) %register event ltsync.getreflectors()                                %ask instrument reflectors pause(3)                                                   %time receive answers end  function reflectorshandler(varargin)    %handler of event reflectorsdata %var1,var2,reflectorid,reflectorname,var5,surfaceoffset,reflectorstotal,var8,var9 disp('reflector data:'); disp(varargin{3})        %reflector id disp(varargin{4})        %reflector name  end 

i believe can solve problem passing function handle registerevent instead of string function name, , creating class allow pass data back. first, class:

classdef reflectorsresponse < handle     properties (setaccess = private)         reflectors         responsecomplete = false;         reflectorstotal = nan;     end      methods         function respond(obj, varargin)             % create struct each reflector (or define             % class, let's keep simple time being)             newrefl = struct();    = varargin{3};    = varargin{4};             newrefl.surfaceoffset = varargin{6};             % ... store other properties in struct             % store reflector             obj.reflectors = [obj.reflectors; newrefl];              % store total reflector count , check completion             if isnan(obj.reflectorstotal)                 obj.reflectorstotal = varargin{7};             end              if length(obj.reflectors) == obj.reflectorstotal                 obj.responsecomplete = true;             end         end     end end 

you can use making respond method handler:

function pushbutton_getreflectors_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles)      % create response object , associated handler function handle     response = reflectorsresponse();     handlerfun = @(varargin)response.respond(varargin{:});      ltsync = actxserver ('ltcontrol.ltcommandsync2');        %act server: ltconnect2                                          %list of com events     ltsync.registerevent({'reflectorsdata' handlerfun}) %register event     ltsync.getreflectors()                                %ask instrument reflectors      % wait request complete     while ~response.responsecomplete         pause(0.1);         drawnow update;         % note: should add timeout loop     end      % stuff response.reflectors end 

this wait until there has been response each of reflectors, number of determined first response. note should add timeout while loop, otherwise risk waiting infinitely.

if there lots of these asynchronous requests have handle, suggest encapsulating entire request/response sequence (including creation of activex server, setup of event handler, , waiting response(s)) in generalised base class, , deriving specific subclasses each different request.


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