objective c - Syntax error trying to set a property value -

i want pass id table view (tableviewcontroller) view (viewcontroller) after tap table cell. have declared storyboard id "viewcontroller" viewcontroller

here tableviewcontroller.m

- (void)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview didselectrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {        uistoryboard *storyboard = [uistoryboard storyboardwithname:@"mainstoryboard"   bundle: nil];       uiviewcontroller *viewcontroller = [storyboard   instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier:@"viewcontroller"];       viewcontroller.id=@"test";       [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:viewcontroller animated:yes];  } 

here viewcontroller.h

@property (nonatomic) nsstring *id; 


- (void)viewdidload{        id= [[nsstring alloc] init]; } 

but statement viewcontroller.id=@"test"; occurred syntax error.

id reserved word in objective-c. not name variable or property id. rename else.

also, viewcontroller variable declared uiviewcontroller. there no id property in uiviewcontroller. change type of viewcontroller actual type (viewcontroller?).

viewcontroller *viewcontroller = (viewcontroller *)[storyboard   instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier:@"viewcontroller"]; 
