ios - Sending Images and data to PHP server-side -

it,s first time trying send images & data php server app, , quite confused what's best way achieve this.

in research, came across afnetworking library , this base64 library (which take suggestion in one), don't know if can achieve want or how implement it.

what want send data & images have relationship.

lets user has upload user details + picture , house details + picture json

{     "userdetails": { "name":"jon",                   "surname":"smith",                   "phone":"123412",                   "userpic":"base64pic"                 },     "house": { "address":"123 asd",                "postcode":"w2 e23",                "housepic":"base64pic"             }  } 

of course json have include security validations.

my problem comes when avoid using base64 encoding given 33% size increase , don't know how send same information php.

i confused when trying send images & data have relationship , should stored taking relationship account in server.

basically looking way send same information not base64 encoded images keeping relationship in data , trying send fewer request possible. possible? if how?

look @ example instance, eveything pretty self explanatory ask me if have questions

-(void) poststuff{         afhttpclient *httpclient = [[afhttpclient alloc] initwithbaseurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:@""]];         nsdictionary *parameter = @{@"body"@"anything want say!"};         nsmutableurlrequest *request = [httpclient multipartformrequestwithmethod:@"post" path:@"api/v1/posts/newpost/" parameters:parameter constructingbodywithblock: ^(id <afmultipartformdata>formdata) {             [formdata appendpartwithfiledata:imagedata name:@"image" filename:@"image.png" mimetype:@"image/png"];         }];         afhttprequestoperation *operation = [[afhttprequestoperation alloc] initwithrequest:request];         [operation  setcompletionblockwithsuccess:^(afhttprequestoperation *operation, id responseobject) {             nslog(@"done!!!");         }         failure:^(afhttprequestoperation *operation, nserror *error) {             nslog(@"error: %@", error);         }];         [httpclient enqueuehttprequestoperation:operation]; } 


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