jquery - How to move spans with an animation? -

i'm using twitter-bootstrap framework , have 2 span4 centered using offset class. i'm trying doing animation removing offset class , pulling spans right put span4 @ end.

i mean, doing in this fiddle (to see result better enter here) slide animation of 2 first spans right , fadein/fadeout annimation third span.


.span4 {     background: red;     text-align: center;     height: 400px; } .hidden{     display:none !important; } 


<div class="container">     <div id="rowad" class="row-fluid">         <div id="firstspan" class="span4 offset2">hello             <button class="btn" id="addspan">add span</button>         </div>         <div class="span4">stack</div>         <div id="spanhiden"class="span4 hidden">stack</div>     </div> </div> 


$(document).ready(function () {     $("#addspan").click(function () {        var textb = $(this).text();         if (textb == "add span"){            $("#firstspan").removeclass("offset2");            $("#spanhiden").removeclass("hidden");            $(this).text("remove span");        }else{            $("#firstspan").addclass("offset2");            $("#spanhiden").addclass("hidden");            $(this).text("add span");        }     }); }); 

any advice or appreciated. iff need more info, let me know , i'll edit post.

try one,

.span4 {     background: red;     text-align: center;     height: 400px;     -webkit-transition: 0.7s ease 0s;     -moz-transition: 0.7s ease 0s;     -o-transition: 0.7s ease 0s;     transition: 0.7s ease 0s; } 



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