javascript - Latest EmberJS doesn't recognize latest Handlebars -

when install both latest emberjs (1.0.0-rc.3) , latest handlebars (1.0.0-rc.4), error in console when visit page:

uncaught error: assertion failed: ember handlebars requires handlebars 1.0.0-rc.3 or greater. include script tag in html head linking handlebars file before link ember. 

i error whenever 'vanilla' install downloading jquery, handlebars , emberjs. these errors when generate project yeoman (both generator-ember , generator-charcoal). up-to-date, i've ran

npm update -g yo generator-ember generator-charcoal grunt-cli bower 

with no updates found.

has experienced issue before, , how did solve it?

to fix using bower , npm, need roll both packages handlebars 1.0.0-rc3 since templates precompiled in both ember , charcoal generators grunt-ember-templates package. this, need update bower.json (or component.json if have not updated it) , package.json.

for bower.json (or component.json), change line handlebars "handlebars": "~1.0.0-rc.3" "handlebars": "1.0.0-rc.3".

for package.json, change grunt-ember-templates line "grunt-ember-templates": "~0.4.4" "grunt-ember-templates": "0.4.5".

you'll need run npm install , bower install install correct packages.
