list - Automating already existing python program -

so have program takes .txt data (set of integer numbers), makes sum every n numbers (divisions), , puts result in new list. , makes bar chart of list.

and far works fine. problem i'd make program without me having manually input number of divisions i'd make :\

i'd go through lets loop, put division 10, 11, 12... number like, , put in list, , i'd end multiple lists, can transfer excell, origin, or other program, , analysis there.

i'll put program, without plotting part, , things i've asked this:

# -*- coding: cp1250 -*- __future__ import division numpy import * matplotlib import rc matplotlib.pyplot import * import numpy np import matplotlib.pyplot plt   data = loadtxt("mion-090513-1.txt", int)  nuz = len(data) nsmp = 10 duz = int(nuz/nsmp)  l = []  ukupni_broj=sum(data)  #summed values calculation# i1 in range(0,nsmp):     suma = 0     i2 in range(0,duz):         suma += data[i1*duz+i2]     l.append(suma)  print l  print 'bin number is', len(l)  print 'total event number is', ukupni_broj 

so i'd have nsmp in loop, values values (for instance 10-15, 20-50 in 25 interval step, , on).

is thing doable?

also there easy way of exporting results in python? searched on found nothing easy loadtxt.

here's .txt file:

to make program easy automate , reusable, can make couple of things.

separate core functionality (e.g., computations) execution. can put computation separate module , execute form "main" script:

# def process_file(filename, divisions):    ...  # import my_processing filename = "..." divisions = [10, 20, 100] my_processing.process_file(filename, divisions) 

this way can reuse also, habit include main clause

def main():     ....  if __name__ == "__main__"     main() 

if designing tool, should define command line arguments - argparse perfect that. can use shell scripts.
