c++ - overloading operator-> for iterator where underlying container doesn't store real objects -

i've diagonal class serves principle diagonal. minimize space storing {begin: point, size: int} instead of storing list of points

now algorithms easy implement if can make diagonal iterable. wrote 1 point_iterator

class point_iterator{   friend class diagonal;   const diagonal& _diagonal;   size_t    _position;   public:     typedef point_iterator self_type;     typedef point value_type;     typedef point reference;//< returning value instead of reference     typedef boost::shared_ptr<point> pointer;//< can never return pointer     typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;     typedef boost::int32_t difference_type;   public:     pointer operator->(){return pointer(new point(_diagonal.at(_position)));}     point operator*(){return _diagonal.at(_position);} 

as there no point stored anywhere in container cannot return reference or pointer through iterator. in cases i've create point (copyable) object , return.

so reference typedef not reference. okay ?

i cannot implement operator->() returns point object, has return pointer, point* or pointer like. , cannot return new point(operator*()) because user need delete them. using shared_ptr instead. okay ?

i couldn't use unique_ptr because c++11. , scoped_ptr not copyable.

you can return object storing point , providing overload of operator->(): calls operator->() chained until gets result return pointer:

class point_pointer { private:     point m_p; public:     point_pointer(point p): m_p(p) {}     pointer const* operator->() { return &this->m_p; } };  point_pointer point_iterator::operator->() const {     return point_pointer(this->operator*()); } 

although approach work, storing point in iterator preferrable performance reason , object life-time point of view.


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