visual c++ - Having trouble moving a reticle around the screen while following Chili's Beginning DirectX tutorial -

to begin using chili framework lessons 1-15 downloadable here:

i using directx 9 on old laptop running windows xp sp3. have set direct3d rendering software in order run framework. using visual studio express c++ 2010 first service pack installed.

this code having trouble with:

// start moving reticle code  drawreticle(itemlocx, itemlocy, 255, 255, 255);  if(itemlocx == pointa && itemlocx != pointab) {     itemlocx += 2; } else if(itemlocx == pointbc && itemlocx != pointda) {     itemlocx -= 2; }  if(itemlocy == pointab && itemlocy != pointbc) {     itemlocy += 2; } else if(itemlocy == pointda && itemlocx != pointa) {     itemlocy -= 2; }  // end moving reticle code 

now chili's solution move along y axis while checking x, , x while checking y. may post later, don't have readily available. can see @ beginning of video:

however wanted logically, if walking border along invisible wall inside box. wanted make sense going on. cursor won't move, , see no reason why doesn't. here game.h:

        #pragma once          #include "d3dgraphics.h"         #include "keyboard.h"          class game         {         public:             game( hwnd hwnd,const keyboardserver& kserver );             void go();         private:             void composeframe();             /********************************/             /*  user functions              */              void drawreticle(int xp, int yp, int cr, int cg, int cb);             /*                 xp = x position,                 yp = y position,                 cr = color red,                 cg = color green,                 cb = color blue             */              // todo: user functions go here              /********************************/         private:             d3dgraphics gfx;             keyboardclient kbd;             /********************************/             /*  user variables              */              int pointa;  // starting @ pointa (100, 100) - top left             int pointab; // move pointa pointab (700, 100) - top right             int pointbc; // move pointab pointbc (700, 500) - bottom right             int pointcd; // move pointbc pointcd (100,500) - bottom left             int pointda; // move pointcd pointda (100,100) - top left   /*     these points describe process of starting, 4 movements. 4 points  a, b, c, d. start @ a, go b (pointab, read b), go c (pointbc, read b c), go d (pointcd, read c d) go (pointda, read d a).          can confusing, because there 5 varibles used. if drew out there 4 points, 4 movements. best way think of starting movement, , need place start from, must have point. since start @ a, haven't yet gone anywhere, pointa our starting point. once start moving, go pointa pointb. if used pointb our variable confusing,because have move pointa pointb pointc pointd , pointa. still 5 variables, 1 repeating, first pointa describes start, , last end. since these 2 different actions on same point, have elected use 2 letter names each of points move to, while point start @ has single letter name. best way think process.                 */              int itemlocx; // initial position of item on x axis             int itemlocy; // initial position of item on y axis             int reticlex; // initial position of reticle on x axis             int reticley; // initial position of reticle on y axis              // todo: user variables go here              /********************************/         }; 

here game.cpp:

#include "game.h"  game::game( hwnd hwnd,const keyboardserver& kserver ) :   gfx(hwnd),     kbd(kserver),     itemlocx(100), // initial position of item on x axis     itemlocy(100), // initial position of item on y axis     reticlex(400), // initial position of reticle on x axis     reticley(300), // initial position of reticle on y axis     pointa(100),  // movement 0 a, stopping @     pointab(700), // movement b, stopping @ b     pointbc(500), // movement b c, stopping @ c     pointcd(700), // movement c d, stopping @ d     pointda(500)  // movement d a, stopping @ {}  void game::go() {     gfx.beginframe();     composeframe();     gfx.endframe(); }  void game::drawreticle(int xp, int yp, int cr, int cg, int cb) /*     xp = x position,     yp = y position,     cr = color red,     cg = color green,     cb = color blue */ {     gfx.putpixel(xp-5,yp,cr,cg,cb);     gfx.putpixel(xp-4,yp,cr,cg,cb);     gfx.putpixel(xp-3,yp,cr,cg,cb);     gfx.putpixel(xp+3,yp,cr,cg,cb);     gfx.putpixel(xp+4,yp,cr,cg,cb);     gfx.putpixel(xp+5,yp,cr,cg,cb);     gfx.putpixel(xp,yp,cr,cg,cb);     gfx.putpixel(xp,yp-5,cr,cg,cb);     gfx.putpixel(xp,yp-4,cr,cg,cb);     gfx.putpixel(xp,yp-3,cr,cg,cb);     gfx.putpixel(xp,yp+3,cr,cg,cb);     gfx.putpixel(xp,yp+4,cr,cg,cb);     gfx.putpixel(xp,yp+5,cr,cg,cb); }  void game::composeframe() {     // start draw reticle code      drawreticle(reticlex, reticley, 100, 155, 255);      // end draw reticle code      // start color change code      int yt = 200; // border 200 pixels top     int yb = 400; // border 200 pixels bottom     int xl = 300; // border 200 pixels left     int xr = 500; // border 200 pixels right      if(reticlex < xl || reticlex > xr) // defining color change area x     {         drawreticle(reticlex, reticley, 255, 255, 255);     }      if(reticley < yt || reticley > yb) // defining color change area y     {         drawreticle(reticlex, reticley, 255, 255, 255);     }      // end color change code      // start moving reticle code      drawreticle(itemlocx, itemlocy, 255, 255, 255);      if(itemlocx == pointa && itemlocx != pointab)     {         itemlocx += 2;     }     else if(itemlocx == pointbc && itemlocx != pointda)     {         itemlocx -= 2;     }      if(itemlocy == pointab && itemlocy != pointbc)     {         itemlocy += 2;     }     else if(itemlocy == pointda && itemlocx != pointa)     {         itemlocy -= 2;     }      // end moving reticle code      // start border code      if(reticlex < 6)     {         reticlex = 6;     }     else if(reticlex > 794)     {         reticlex = 794;     }      if(reticley < 6)     {         reticley = 6;     }     else if(reticley > 594)     {         reticley = 594;     }      // end border code      // start speed change code      int cspeed = 4; // default cursor speed      if(kbd.enterispressed()) // change high speed     {         cspeed = 8;     }      if(kbd.spaceispressed()) // change low speed     {         cspeed = 1;     }      if(kbd.rightispressed())     {         reticlex += cspeed;     }      if(kbd.leftispressed())     {         reticlex -= cspeed;     }      if(kbd.upispressed())     {         reticley -= cspeed;     }      if(kbd.downispressed())     {         reticley += cspeed;     }      // end speed change code } 

now should note here should done without functions , basic c++ operators. that's far chili has taught point. second attempt solve myself, after hours thinking , working on on paper. i'm stuck. not seeing it. think there logic error here on part. want understand thinking may mistaken, more that, how think correctly, computer, this.

i open advice regarding coding style. if not being clear enough, or doing should not become bad habit - if there should doing differently in writing code know it.

thank - appreciated!

i see how have tried this. have on complexed it.

1: don't need != operator in if statements.

2: try this:

if(itemlocx < 700) {     itemlocx += 2; } 

3: worked fine during testing. point if statements in wrong order. changed order in moved across screen in. have x y x y , have x x y y. (unconfirmed) executes if statements in order. have hard coded answer. set them variables if want to. hope helped!
