
Showing posts from 2013

php - How to cache script image -

i want implement script generates thumbnail on requested file (image). here simple list of actions understand working of script: request server url/preset/filename.jpg check if file thumbed if not, generate new 1 , return file. if exists return thumbed file. this works perfect, problem images not cached browser. i'm not familiar caching. thought returning 304 not modified trigger browser image cache hangs in pending state. does know how cache these images? this show part of script: private function _show_image($file_path, $filename, $new = false) { $this->load->helper('file'); if($new) { header($_server['server_protocol'] . ' 200 ok'); } else { //header('http/1.1 304 not modified'); header($_server['server_protocol'] . ' 304 not modified'); } header('cache-control: public'); // needed i.e. header('content-type:...

date - Formatting php timedifference based on days -

i'm calculating timedifference bit of php , formatting in days, hours , minutes. // compares expires_at current time $now = new datetime(); $future_date = new datetime($contest->expires_at); $interval = $future_date->diff($now); $enddate = $interval->format("%a days, %h hours, %i minutes"); // if current time higher expiration date set contest finished. if($now > $future_date) { $enddate = 'date ended'; } now want have format display total amount of days when it's on day(24 hours) , start format in hours , minutes when it's less day(24 hours). format hours , minutes starting 23 hours 59 minutes, idea hopefully. can tell me how done easiest? do this: // compares expires_at current time $now = new datetime(); $future_date = new datetime($contest->expires_at); $interval = $future_date->diff($now); if ($now > $future_date) { // if current time higher expiration date set contest finished. $enddate = ...

c++ - Combination of std::ios::openmode to truncate if the file exists but prevent new file creation? -

i have asked earlier if there combination of openmode avoid modifications of existing file . know if contrary possible : if file exists, truncate ( std::ios::trunc ) if file not exist, nothing is there std::ios::openmode available std::ofstream ? to best of knowledge, there no such open mode (it not common use case). guess first check whether file exists and, if does, open trunc open mode.

javascript - JS feature detection to detect the usage of -webkit-calc over calc -

so i'm quite aware in general, 1 should use feature detection in js vs. browser detection. example of being pushed jquery 1.9 's drop of $.browser . in addition, in every article read, says never use browser detection. but have condition need dynamically calculate # of "slots" available in js layout, , it's being done through calc(100%/{0}) , {0} # of slots available. of course, in ipad, .css("height", "calc(100%/3)") fail, must prefixed -webkit- . so, can tell me how should use feature detection (instead of old $.browser.webkit ) detect requires this? create dummy element, insert in document, use .csstext.height = 'calc(100px - 50px);' , , check if element has expected height. repeat every vendor-prefix. side note: kind of questions, should in source code of modernizr. others have contributed such feature detection scripts, such calc.js . modernizr detects whether feature present, doesn't tell prefix...

actionscript 3 - Bindable(event="...") public static function -

i trying bind static function, designate binding event name , fire event static function. [bindable(event="dataupdated")] public static function string(path:string) :string { ... } private static function updatedata() :void { //dosomthing; staticeventdispatcher.dispatchevent(new event('dataupdated')); } private static var staticeventdispatcher:eventdispatcher = new eventdispatcher(); my view not updating when event fired, there better way this? i have tried dispatching event instance of class, added staticeventdispatcher last resort, didn't work. the point in if language translations within app, myclass.string('stringpath') return translated component text. need app text updated when user changes language. binding doesn't work static properties , methods (see question details binding static property ). in case it's better use singleton pattern resource manager , remove static string , updatedata : myclas...

c# - Post data using MultipartFormDataContent from HttpClient -

i have webapi service reads post data including file data using httpcontext.request key value pairs httpcontext.current.request["loadid"] now trying write , console application using httpclient not able make work private static bool addexception(string vin, string loadid, string sessionid) { var client = new httpclient { baseaddress = new uri("url") }; servicepointmanager.servercertificatevalidationcallback = (s, cert, chain, ssl) => true; const string quickcode = "01-01-1"; const string inspectiontype = "loading"; const string inspectorcode = "001"; const string numberofimages = "1"; const string imagenumber = "1"; const string exceptiontype = "driver"; const string imagetype = "exception"; var date =

c# - Opening Telnet Sessions to Cisco Device -

i need establish telnet session cisco device , send commands depending on device reply. i tried: headers: using; using; code: telnetconnection tc = new telnetconnection("gobelijn", 23); telnet t = new telnet(); both doesn't work! i these errors: the type or namespace name 'telnetconnection' not found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?) type or namespace name 'telnet' not found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?) i'm totally lost here , need support. also, if there simple way connect using ssh not telnet, kindly provide. update i've followed andreas stated down, i'm getting error: system.exception: failed connect : no login prompt @ ciscomanager.telnetconnection.login(string username, string password, int32 logintimeoutms) @ ciscomanager.program.main(string[] args) in code, i'm trying send "enter" key press using \r\n , tried \n no joy...

android - lauching different activities depending on a value -

i'm trying start new activity depending of value of parameter when user clicks next button <button android:id="@+id/next" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/next" /> i think shouldn't use code know launch new activity, because launchs single activity. android:onclick="lanzaractividad" my purpose user sets parameter (a number) , each number corresponds different activities. i guess should write similar (in oncreate method) button btn=(button)findviewbyid(; int parameter=1; //it contains number, in our case, might instance 1 btn.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() { public void onclick(view v) { switch(parameter) { //now problem. case 0 : lanzarcalculate(v); case 1 : lanzarcalculate2(v); ...

c++ - Printing a value makes the program work? -

#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; bool numar(unsigned long long n) { return (n > 99) && ((n % 100) == 25); } int main() { freopen("", "r", stdin); freopen("numere.out", "w", stdout); int cnt = 0; unsigned long long n, a, nblabla, n; while (scanf("%d", &n) == 1) { if (numar(n)) { = (n - 25) / 100; cout << a; // son of *****. (n = 1; true; n++) { nblabla = n * (n + 1); if (nblabla > a) break; else if (nblabla == a) { cnt++; } } } } printf("%d", cnt); return 0; } simply, if comment line ( cout << a; ), program stops working. if leave there, works. i'm using code::blocks, gnu gcc. this checks ...

java - Trying to connect an external database (postgreSQL)with my android application -

i'm having issue android application , don't know how resolve it.... i'm trying make connection throw external database (postgresql) , taking informations on there .... made code on java , connection worked (also able queries , receive results)! problem is, if import android application code made on java class, throws me error not understand .... 05-18 16:09:10.273: w/system.err(5395): org.postgresql.util.psqlexception: unusual has occured cause driver fail. please report exception. 05-18 16:09:10.273: w/system.err(5395): @ org.postgresql.driver.connect( 05-18 16:09:10.273: w/system.err(5395): @ java.sql.drivermanager.getconnection( 05-18 16:09:10.273: w/system.err(5395): @ java.sql.drivermanager.getconnection( 05-18 16:09:10.273: w/system.err(5395): @ 05-18 16:09:10.273: w/system.err(5395): @

html - CSS triangle changing display value with Javascript -

i have got html <div id="slidemenu"> <div id="slidem1" onmouseover="colorm(1)">something 1</div> <div id="slidem2" onmouseover="colorm(2)">something 2</div> <div id="slidem3" onmouseover="colorm(3)">something 3</div> <div id="slidem4" onmouseover="colorm(4)">something 4</div> <div id="slidem5" onmouseover="colorm(5)">something 5</div> </div> and css html, body{ font-family: "century gothic", "apple gothic", applegothic, "urw gothic l", "avant garde", futura, sans-serif; } #slidemenu { float: right; } #slidem1:before, #slidem2:before, #slidem3:before, #slidem4:before, #slidem5:before { content: ""; position: absolute; top:0; right:210px; width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 32px solid transparent;...

javascript - Change gradient background-color, slow animation -

i'm trying change background color on section. <section id="welcome" class="gradientblue"> <div class="maintitle"> <h1>sdesigns</h1> <h2>taking web design next level</h2> <div class="centerarrow"> <i id="0" class="icon-caret-down arrow arrowdown"></i> </div> </div> </section> the how looks: the idea when press arrow background changes gradient color. set class up. should fade-in class "gradientgreen". .gradientgreen{ background-color:#39b54a; background: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 460, from(#8dc63f), to(#205075));/* safari 4-5, chrome 1-9 */ background: -webkit-radial-gradient(circle, #8dc63f, #39b54a);/* safari 5.1+, chrome 10+ */ background: -moz-radial-gradient(circle, #8dc63f, #39b54a);/* firefox 3.6+ */ background: -ms-radi...

mp3 - Android sdk web page object size too small -

i have android morse code tutor app has been online couple years, , revisions have been made during time. decided make revision allows user play mp3 file web site. problem follows: the file plays in android simulator, on actual device, user required touch play button, way small. see code below: uri = uri.parse(" "); startactivity( new intent( intent.action_view, uri ) ); any suggestions appreciated. i figured out looking @ few dozen web sites. used media player , works great!

c++ - Generalized Attributes for Memory Alignment in GCC/Clang -

are there generalized attributes c++11 indicating variable memory aligned in gcc/clang? (note i'm familiar __builtin_assume_aligned. wondering if there way using c++11 generalized attributes feature) c++11 introduces 2 separate changes: alignment support alignas , alignof . attributes, such [[noreturn]] , [[carries_dependency]] . both summarily called "attributes" standard, see section 7.6.

html - jQuery "thumbnail" function -

i'm trying develop "featured posts" thingys. , them change when mouseover() them. guess done jquery, tried started i'm quite sucky thought i'd ask here. i've come jquery code: $(document).ready(function) { $("#f_post_long").mouseover(function) { $("#f_post_long").append("<div class="hello">hello</div>"); }); }); i thought .appending new div class same class i've got styled in css needed(?) not sure there though. css looks this: #f_post_long { width:500px; height:500px; background-color:red; text-align:center; } .hello { background-color:blue; width:200px; height:200px; } html contains element #f_post_long . am on right track or screwed here? don't want perfect solution pointers in right directions on easiest against server , in amount of code written! like zenith said, must escape "" in code, or use single quote...

ruby - How to get Yardoc to output to STDOUT? -

i've looked templates come gem (i can find default html outputter), i've searched , online docs switch redirect stdout. can't find on how might approach this. is there easy way (perhaps shell command?) or have wade through source code? create following file test.rb : # class cool class test # method cool def foo end end you must compile yard documentation before can output this. don't want doc folder right? let's omit that. yardoc --no-output test.rb this update documentation inside .yardoc folder hidden. doc folder not generated. now can see documentation specific objects in few ways: > yard display "test" # outputs: ------------------------------------------ class: foo < object class cool -------------------------------------------------------------- > yard display "test#foo" # outputs: ------------------------------------------ method: #meth (foo) (...

How to read data custom attribute from DOM in jquery -

i try read user id "data-user-id" using jquery "data" api not able value of custom data attribute var userid = $(".invited-user").data("user-id"); i try above jquery code not user id <div id="selected-items" style="display: block;"><div id="selected-items"><div class="selected-item"><span class="label label-info invited-user" data-user-id="51935d96db0cad4b290004c5"> <span class="invited-user-name"> kumaran </span> <button class="btn btn-info remove-btn">x</button> </span></div></div></div> please suggestion jquery api read custom data attribute. check html doctype. should <!doctype html> check javascript console possible errors check jquery library included or not.

c++ - Why can't I use the << operator with the value extracted from this variables_map? -

i'm familiarizing myself boost::program_options (and c++ in general). wrote function below, can't quite understand error i'm getting. here's code (note po alias boost::program_options ). int application(po::variables_map& vm) { std::cout << &vm << std::endl; std::cout << vm["infile"]; return success; } the error i'm receiving second line in function body. reads: "no match ‘operator<<’ (operand types ‘std::ostream {aka std::basic_ostream<char>}’ , ‘const boost::program_options::variable_value’)" what doing wrong?

php - Stopping while waiting for user input -

i'm making game. in game, player , enemies stored inside objects. each object has properties such as: $player->health $player->attack (this value, in attack power) then there's php function handles fight: function fight($player, $enemy) {...} it uses functions attack($player, $enemy) , castspell($player,$enemy) . now, here problem: game runs on round system, player , enemy each has turn. want every time it's player's turn, script wait until user clicks, , function called according button pushed. i thinking of using javascript settimeout , stopping when user clicks, objects , functions use in php. how can otherwise? you cannot wait user input in middle of php script: php script runs, generates output (usually html page), , exits. output sent user's browser, can read , interact it. the interaction describe require use of ajax, initial page rendered , sent browser, , onclick handlers or similar in js cause calls php script works ou...

ios - bad practices in Apple’s sample code for the doCipher:key:context:padding method -

according article there "bad practices in apple’s sample code docipher:key:context:padding method . following code snippet shows use static iv of 16 bytes of 0x0’s. // initialization vector; dummy in case 0’s. uint8_t iv[kchosencipherblocksize]; memset((void *) iv, 0x0, (size_t) sizeof(iv)); why bad in layman's term , how fix ? what understand is possible hook code intercept symetric key. don't understand why , how prevent this. the code outlined in post insecure because not follow rule initialization vectors being random values. notice engineer wrote commented: //... dummy in case 0’s. true initialization vectors of fixed size (or ivs, blog calls them) never allocate buffer passed crypto function same value on , over, instead randomize data contai...

javascript - InnerHTML content is different then actually seen on screen -

i have dynamically created span elements listen onkeyup action. for example: when user types textbox , should replace text inside <span> too. lets create n elements of span. n-1 of works perfectly, last one not. when use inspect element (chrome browser) , make call document.getelementbyid("span...").innerhtml i see new text, on screen still see old one. my code: 1. part when dynamically create text inputs titleinput.onkeyup = (function () { var inputobject = titleinput; var chartindex = numberoftds; return function () { updatetitleinmagnifiedview(inputobject, chartindex); } })(); updatetitleinmagnifiedview - function updates span elemnts document.getelementbyid("title_magnified_" + chartindex).innerhtml = inputobject.value;

mysql - select a value from a table with the help of php variable -

i using variable in php code named $user_id. variable takes value after executing short script of code. have table named users in database , table holds user_id , email. if want select email database, when user_id table equal variable named $user_id. can this? query: <?php //code ... $user_id=$_get['user']; //$user_id gets value here //now want select email table users, user_id equal variable $user_id mysql_query(" select `email` `users` `user_id`='$user_id' "); ?> the code should be: $email = ''; $res = mysqli_query(" select `email` `users` `user_id`='$user_id' "); while ($temp = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) { $email = $temp['email']; }

wcf - Resolve a URI to an EndpointAddress -

i have wcf client able ad-hoc service discovery find (unknown) services running on local subnet. implement way user specify service endpoint use entering uri text box, , client resolve uri endpointaddress , , in process gather additional metadata service. namely, need gather endpointidentity , additional data exposed in extensions property of endpointdiscoverybehavior . i trying achieve using discoveryclient.resolve() , receiving null resolveresponse.endpointdiscoverymetadata property. string address = "net.tcp://machine-name:12345/myservice" discoveryclient discoveryclient = new discoveryclient(new udpdiscoveryendpoint()); var criteria = new resolvecriteria() { address = new endpointaddress(address) }; var result = discoveryclient.resolve(criteria); //scv null here..... var svc = result.endpointdiscoverymetadata; i've found lot of information out there regarding discoveryclient.find() , not discoveryclient.resolve() . so questions are: is intended us...

java - Few questions regarding OpenGL (culling and optimization) in a cube-based voxel engine -

i'm using lwjgl create minecraft voxel engine, i'm running in difficulties optimization. now, culling have great positive impact on performance, face culling did this: if (chunk.getworld().getgame().cam.getz() >= zz) { gltexcoord2f(1, 1); glvertex3f(1, 1, 0); gltexcoord2f(0, 1); glvertex3f(0, 1, 0); gltexcoord2f(0, 0); glvertex3f(0, 0, 0); gltexcoord2f(1, 0); glvertex3f(1, 0, 0); } and works okay, until run few problems. invisible faces still drawn (faces between blocks) , doesn't update if use display lists. here's questions, how 1 cull display lists? tried doing glenable(gl11.gl_cull_face); gave me in return, seems cull front faces rather back: culling enabled culling disabled this out culling enabled through glenable, culling disabled (because lists it's pointless). looks fine, performance, believe, can improved. this code, if i'm missing please ask, can upload who...

php - Prestashop 1.5.4.x: how to get proper category_link, image, price? -

prestashop 1.5.4.x how proper category_link, image, price in code below? print name, link, manufacturer, category_full. script show incorrect format price: 191.26073 instead of 191.26 , 65 instead of 65.00 . images script show incorrect path: , correct patch need the full code used: <?php include(dirname(__file__).'/config/'); require_once(dirname(__file__).'/init.php'); // data $number = (intval(tools::getvalue('n')) ? intval(tools::getvalue('n')) : 10000); $orderbyvalues = array(0 => 'name', 1 => 'price', 2 => 'date_add', 3 => 'date_upd', 4 => 'position'); $orderwayvalues = array(0 => 'asc', 1 => 'desc'); $orderby = tools::strtolower(tools::getvalue('orderby', $orderbyvalues[intval(configuration::get('ps_products_order_by'))])); $orderway = to...

PHP - Include or Header -

i need advice on best way set process running runs series of scripts run 1 after other , potentially cron job. each 1 can run on own depends on previous job having run work. sequence follows: set variables jobs. extract csv file email when arrives. parse csv file database generate series of pdf files based on database new data , 1 above. email pdfs required recipients. given above cannot step until previous 1 complete. each step own php script. what i’d advice on best method set is. at moment have single page above include statements in 1 page. each 1 runs , next runs etc. i’m not sure if long script best way or whether should use header statement make each 1 run , return main action page variables confirming previous script has run. does make difference? better if use require because require throws error if doesn't file include doesn't.

javascript - function gets called even when the ID is not present in the document -

i have following javascript: $(document).ready(function () { ... $("#myselector").ready(function () { window.alert('what hell!!!'); }); }); i expect pop window appear every time myselector appears somewhere in document. the problem facing right code running (i pop up) when selector not exist in document. why happening? ready function executed when dom ready, ready event fired when don't pass arguments jquery, ie $().ready() , ignores selector. can use length property: $(document).ready(function () { if ( $("#myselector").length ) { // ... } });

Run process in background in Android -

is there way in android development have process run in background of app, if app not active. example, if user starts process, , hits 'home' button, want process continue running in background. here tutorial services. helped me lot.

c# - Native image for System.Data.Entity crashing IIS -

i have mvc 3 website using entity framework , has started crashing on specific action. wish had more information, can pull windows event viewer this: faulting application name: w3wp.exe, version: 7.5.7601.17514, time stamp: 0x4ce7a5f8 faulting module name:, version: 4.0.30319.1, time stamp: 0x4ba1e2fd exception code: 0xc00000fd fault offset: 0x003aac6a faulting process id: 0x2f0 faulting application start time: 0x01ce540a70477360 faulting application path: c:\windows\syswow64\inetsrv\w3wp.exe faulting module path: c:\windows\assembly\nativeimages_v4.0.30319_32\\dc0c74bc42bbaeffcb7158c7ed0f1653\ report id: 3659a820-bffe-11e2-8207-404094d3cf82 if stop iis, delete native image, , restart iis fine. however, after day or 2 problem come right back. does have ideas on this? seems if happening in image created automatically ngen.exe , have no idea start debugging. thanks! update i able catch complete memory dump...

orm - Atomic conditional-update in Django -

so have 2 models: class unit(models.model): name = models.charfield() class session(models.model): unit = models.foreignkey(unit) startdatetime = models.datetimefield() enddatetime = models.datetimefield() users can book 'units' sessions start , end @ user-requested date/time. no unit can in use @ same time , i'd enforce ensuring no overlapping sessions per unit can booked. i'd 1 underlying query if possible, presumably guaranteeing atomicity of update? i've come 2 approaches, neither of i'm happy with: executing raw sql: insert "myapp_session" user_id, unit_id, startdatetime, enddatetime select 6, 2, '2013-05-18 02:09:02', '2013-05-18 03:09:02' "myapp_session" not exists (select * "myapp_session" unit_id=2 , ("startdatetime" between '2013-05-18 02:09:02' , '2013-05-18 03:09:02' or "enddatetime" between '2013-05-18 02:09:02' , '2013-05-18 ...

An issue with Android Studio running on Linux -

i have installed android studio on manjaro linux, experiencing issues every time have run application scratch. namely, in order start application, have logged in root, have validate java_home environmental variable , start application ./ here full code of that: [nikodroid@manjaro ~]$ cd /usr/share/applications/android-studio/bin bash: cd: /usr/share/applications/android-studio/bin: permission denied [nikodroid@manjaro ~]$ sudo su [sudo] password nikodroid: [root@manjaro nikodroid]# cd /usr/share/applications/android-studio/bin [root@manjaro bin]# ./ which: no java in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl) error: cannot start android studio\nno jdk found. please validate either studio_jdk, jdk_home or java_home environment variable points valid jdk installation. [root@manjaro bin]# cd /usr/java/ [root@manjaro java]# export java_home=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_21/ [root@manjaro java]# export path=$path:$j...

javascript - C# MVC Custom Attributes -

i have model based on existing database , have written metadata class , custom attribute class, want convert custom attribute logic jquery or javascript custom function, please guide me simple or available free tool same. rcdmk , scott selby have provided excellent resources how implement iclientvalidatable interface integrate jquery unobtrusive validation. alternative, if don't want maintain javascript versions of validation logic, use remoteattribute class instruct unobtrusive validation perform ajax request validate data (in fact in cases proper way validate - such username availability). remoteattribute class how to: implement remote validation in mvc

java - Good hashCode() Implementation -

the accepted answer in best implementation hashcode method gives seemingly method finding hash codes. i'm new hash codes, don't quite know do. for 1), matter nonzero value choose? 1 other numbers such prime 31 ? for 2), add each value c? if have 2 fields both long , int , double , etc? did interpret right in class: public myclass{ long a, b, c; // these fields //some code , methods public int hashcode(){ return 37 * (37 * ((int) (a ^ (a >>> 32))) + (int) (b ^ (b >>> 32))) + (int) (c ^ (c >>> 32)); } } the value not important, can whatever want. prime numbers result in better distribution of hashcode values therefore preferred. you not necessary have add them, free implement whatever algorithm want, long fulfills hashcode contract : whenever invoked on same object more once during execution of java application, hashcode method must consistently return same integer, provide...

XPATH method for retuning multiple dynamic results from a XML file using PHP -

i have form user types or selects value form follows <form id="search_photos" action="photo_result.php" method="get"> <select name="photographer_id" id="photographer_id" style="height:23px; border:1px solid silver;"> <option selected="selected" value="x">any photographer_id</option> <option value="john">john</option> <option value="fred">fred</option> <option value="joseph">joseph</option> </select> <select name="photographer_id" id="photographer_id" style="height:23px; border:1px solid silver;"> <option selected="selected" value="x">any photographer_id</option> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</opt...

html - Drop down menu blocks links on main page -

i have iframe containing drop down css menu @ top of pages , blocking links or hrefs being clicked in area directly below drop down menu. within height of menu obviously. this happens in firefox , not ie10. (weird ....usually problems reverse) i have been looking solution time without success. related iframe or 2 items in same space? it's not z-axis thing either unless i'm missing something. advice appreciated.

jsf - javax.faces.el.PropertyNotFoundException - Base is null: item -

i'm getting "base null: item" jsf1.1 error in datatable couldn't quite figure out. 2 level datatable , error happening on 2nd level datatable. first level datatable bind value of arraylist devicelistdevicereferences. in datatable, has column contains datatable. 2nd level datatable bind value of arraylist holdernamemasks. value retrived devicereferencejto, row item first datatable. below snippet of html: <h:datatable border="0" cellspacing="0" value="#{devicereferencebean.devicelistdevicereferences" var="item" rendered="#{not empty devicereferencebean.devicelistdevicereferences }" binding="#{devicereferencebean.devicelistdevicereferencestable}" > <h:column> <h:outputtext value="holder name:" /> <!-- device heading --> <h:outputtext value="#{item.devicelabel }" styleclass="devicereferencetitlebarborder...

html - Customizing an SVG in Mediawiki -

i have imagemagick 6.8.5-6 , running on mediawiki 1.20.2 (running on server 2008 r2, iis 7.5). it's doing it's thing , appears functioning perfectly. i'm trying figure out how can pass parameters svg, either in wikicode or using html tag wrap svg in object tag. here svg i'm using. (created on ) simple arrow or tag i'm going use point @ stuff , label stuff. <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" xmlns:xlink="" viewbox="0 0 200 100" width="100%" height="100%"> <path stroke="#000000" id="arrow" d="m2.749992,2.750002l106.118515,0l88.431496,47.250097l-88.431496,47.249901l-106.118515,0l0,-94.499998z" stroke-width="3"/> </svg> i need figure out how pass width, height, , fill parameters, can set size , color of tag. wikicode doesn't work i've tried, i've ...