vim - Does the order of the sections of code in my _vimrc matter? -

how sections of code in _vimrc file interact each other?
current file looks following i'm wondering if matters if line such filetype plugin indent on @ start or end of file?
matter if line filetype plugin indent on repeated twice in file?
should pathogen settings near start?

"------------------------------------------------------------     " must have options {{{1       "this make window maximized on startup     au guienter * simalt ~x      " attempt determine type of file based on name , possibly     " contents. use allow intelligent auto-indenting each filetype,     " , plugins filetype specific.     filetype indent plugin on     set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#complete     " enable syntax highlighting     syntax on      "set highlight search on     :set hlsearch      "------------------------------------------------------------     " usability options {{{1       " show partial commands in last line of screen     set showcmd     " use case insensitive search, except when using capital letters     set ignorecase     set smartcase     " allow backspacing on autoindent, line breaks , start of insert action     set backspace=indent,eol,start     " when opening new line , no filetype-specific indenting enabled, keep     " same indent line you're on. useful readmes, etc.     set autoindent     " stop movements going first character of line.     " while behaviour deviates of vi, users     " coming other editors expect.     set nostartofline     " display cursor position on last line of screen or in status     " line of window     set ruler     " display status line, if 1 window displayed     set laststatus=2     " instead of failing command because of unsaved changes, instead raise     " dialogue asking if wish save changed files.     set confirm     " use visual bell instead of beeping when doing wrong     set visualbell     " , reset terminal code visual bell. if visualbell set, ,     " line included, vim neither flash nor beep. if visualbell     " unset, nothing.     set t_vb=     " enable use of mouse modes     set mouse=a     " set command window height 2 lines, avoid many cases of having     " "press <enter> continue"     set cmdheight=2     " display line numbers on left     set number     " time out on keycodes, never time out on mappings     set notimeout ttimeout ttimeoutlen=200     " use <f11> toggle between 'paste' , 'nopaste'     set pastetoggle=<f11>      "------------------------------------------------------------     " indentation options {{{1     "     " indentation settings according personal preference.      " indentation settings using 2 spaces instead of tabs.     " not change 'tabstop' default value of 8 setup.     "set shiftwidth=2     "set softtabstop=2     "set expandtab      " indentation settings using hard tabs indent. display tabs     " 2 characters wide.     set shiftwidth=2     set tabstop=2        "------------------------------------------------------------     " , feel {{{1     "     " use ctrl-s saving, in insert mode     :nnoremap <c-s>     :<c-u>update<cr>     :vnoremap <c-s>     :<c-u>update<cr>gv     :cnoremap <c-s>     <c-c>:update<cr>     :inoremap <c-s>     <c-o>:update<cr>      "color scheme setting     " set nice colors     " background normal text light grey     " text below last line darker grey     " cursor green, cyan when ":lmap" mappings active     " constants not underlined have lighter background     set guifont=consolas:h16:cansi     colorscheme pyte      "highlight normal guibg=grey90     "highlight cursor guibg=green guifg=none     "highlight lcursor guibg=cyan guifg=none     "highlight nontext guibg=grey80     "highlight constant gui=none guibg=grey95     "highlight special gui=none guibg=grey95      "a quick way locate python files     nnoremap <leader>p :pyf p:\computer applications\python\      "quick quit command     noremap <leader>e :quit<cr> "quits current window       "------------------------------------------------------------     " nerttree settings {{{1     "     "get nerdtree command quick     nnoremap <leader>nd :nerdtree m:\     map <f2> :nerdtreetoggle<cr>     let nerdtreequitonopen = 1      " rebind <leader> key...not sure 1     "let mapleader = ","      map <leader>n <esc>:tabprevious<cr>     map <leader>m <esc>:tabnext<cr>      "------------------------------------------------------------     " dbext settings {{{1     "     "let g:sql_type_default = 'sqlsvr'       " since repeatedly need edit stored procedures, create procedure     " statement preceeded if ... end if block drop     " procedure or uses create or replace syntax.       " function visually select if block end; statement     " of stored procedure , execute it.  or check      " create or replace , stop there , end.     function! sqlexecuteifcreatereplace()         let l:old_sel = &sel         let &sel = 'inclusive'         let savewrapscan=&wrapscan         let savesearch=@/          let l:reg_z = @z         let &wrapscan=0         let @z = ''         let found = 0         let startline = 0         let endline = 0         let curline = line(".")         let curcol  = virtcol(".")          " must default command terminator         let l:dbext_cmd_terminator = ";"          try                 " search backwards , not wrap                 " find line beginning if clause                 "     if exists( select 1 ...                 " or find or replace clause                 "     create or replace procedure ...                 " , execute until find                  "     end                  " @ beginning of line.             let startline = search('\c\(^\<if\>\|^\<alter\s\+procedure\>\|\<or\s\+replace\>\)', 'bcnw' )                  if startline > 0                     " search forward , visually select lines                     " until find end; clause                     let endline = search('^end'.l:dbext_cmd_terminator.'\s*$', 'cnw')                     exec startline.','.endline.'dbexecrangesql'                 endif                             call cursor(curline, curcol)                 noh                 let l:query = @z                 let @z = l:reg_z                 let @/=savesearch                 let &wrapscan=savewrapscan                 let &sel = l:old_sel             endtry         endfunction       "------------------------------------------------------------     " pathogen settings {{{1      "pathogen customization     "set nocp      " use pathogen modify runtime path include plugins under     " ~/.vim/bundle directory     filetype off                    " force reloading *after* pathogen loaded     call pathogen#infect()     call pathogen#helptags()     call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()     syntax on      filetype plugin indent on       " enable detection, plugins , indenting in 1 step 

tl;dr: do, don't; use logical structure simple complex.

pathogen wants settings appear @ top, because modifies way other scripts loaded (explicitly via :runtime, or side effect of calling autoload functions).

the order of :set doesn't matter (unless have conflicting settings), , mappings or autocmds define activated after startup, can put them anywhere.

in general, i'd recommend logical structure, starting basic stuff pathogen, settings, plugin configuration, followed custom mappings , more involved adaptations autocmds.

also, i'd avoid putting filetype-specific stuff ~/.vimrc; rather, put corresponding ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/<filetype>.vim script , use filetype plugin on.


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