php - Stopping while waiting for user input -

i'm making game. in game, player , enemies stored inside objects. each object has properties such as:

$player->health $player->attack  (this value, in attack power) 

then there's php function handles fight:

function fight($player, $enemy) {...} 

it uses functions attack($player, $enemy) , castspell($player,$enemy).

now, here problem: game runs on round system, player , enemy each has turn. want every time it's player's turn, script wait until user clicks, , function called according button pushed.

i thinking of using javascript settimeout , stopping when user clicks, objects , functions use in php.

how can otherwise?

you cannot wait user input in middle of php script: php script runs, generates output (usually html page), , exits. output sent user's browser, can read , interact it.

the interaction describe require use of ajax, initial page rendered , sent browser, , onclick handlers or similar in js cause calls php script works out should happen based on event clicked. need persist objects, e.g. using $_session, between various php calls.

all ajax means php script returns small piece of data, rather whole page. clicking "cast healing spell" might request "/ajax_fight_action.php?player=1&action=cast_spell&spell_name=healing" return (echo) xml or json string lets js know new health of player.
