c# - Don't bind duplicate items to checked list box -

i've got list of objects have team details of salesmen. list has several teams have same name salesman different.

the teamdetails class has following attributes:

string teamname; string region; int teamsales; string salesmanfullname; string salesmanaddress; 

the user has option find teams have sales on value. these teams added check box list.

this how i'm populating check box list:

var viewlist = tosearch in globalvariables.allsalesmenlist                tosearch.teamsales > convert.toint32(txtsalessearch.text)                select tosearch; searchcheckedlistbox.datasource = viewlist.tolist(); searchcheckedlistbox.displaymember = "teamname"; 

the problem i'm having team name shown more once if team has more 1 salesman.

how prevent checkbox having repeated values?

try use distinct comparer:

var viewlist = tosearch in globalvariables.allsalesmenlist            tosearch.teamsales > convert.toint32(txtsalessearch.text)            select tosearch;   searchcheckedlistbox.datasource = viewlist.distinct(new teamcomparer()).tolist(); searchcheckedlistbox.displaymember = "teamname"; 

comparer code:

    public class teamcomparer : iequalitycomparer<teamdetails>     {         public bool equals(teamdetails x, teamdetails y)         {             if (x.teamname == y.teamname) return true;              return false;         }          public int gethashcode(teamdetails obj)         {             if (object.referenceequals(obj, null)) return 0;              return obj.teamname.gethashcode();         }     } 
