ios - Downloading images from and using them for iCarousel -

please me!

i download images this:

self.images = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init]; pfimageview *creature = [[pfimageview alloc] init]; pfquery *query = [pfquery querywithclassname:@"subcatergory"]; [query findobjectsinbackgroundwithblock:^(nsarray *comments, nserror *error) {      (pfobject *comment in comments) {          pffile *file = [comment objectforkey:@"imagefile"];         creature.file = file;         creature.frame = cgrectmake(0, 0, 100, 100);         // creature.userinteractionenabled =yes;         [creature loadinbackground];          //[self.images addobject:creature];             [self.images addobject: creature];      }   }]; 

put these in icarousel:

-(uiview *)carousel:(icarousel *)carousel viewforitematindex:(nsuinteger)index reusingview:(uiview *)view {              pfimageview* img = [self.images objectatindex:index];         pfimageview* imgview = [[pfimageview alloc] initwithimage:img];         return img;  } 

with local images works icarousel fine. set delegates , datasource. content of images array this:

>", "

i got error:

[pfimageview length]: unrecognized selector sent instance 0xf40e9d0

this old question , think have found issue code. in short, if carefully:

pfimageview* img = [self.images objectatindex:index]; pfimageview* imgview = [[pfimageview alloc] initwithimage:img]; 

you using img, uiimageview derived class in place of uiimage when call initwithimage.

this explains crash. can safely return [self.images objectatindex:index] carousel:viewforitematindex: method:

-(uiview *)carousel:(icarousel *)carousel viewforitematindex:(nsuinteger)index reusingview:(uiview *)view {    return [self.images objectatindex:index]; } 
