aggregation - WSO2 ESB Aggregate from different responses -

i bit confused wso2 esb aggregator mediator.

i need send 3 messages different systems via webservices, 3 systems have different message formats, need transform each response canonical model before validate oncomplete expression, how can achieve this?

thanks quick response!

i know xslt transformation need transform response message, problem don't know put it. understand oncomplete section needs xpath expression response message, 3 message have different xpath values.

for example:

response 1:

<ns:getcustomerinforesponse> <ns:status> <ns1:code>0</ns1:code> <ns1:desc>success</ns1:desc> </ns:status> </ns:getcustomerinforesponse>

response 2:

<v1:findbyidresponse> <output> <statuscode>0</statuscode> <statusdesc>ok</statusdesc> </output> </v1:findbyidresponse>

what need transform 2 (or three) responses unique canonical response before validate oncomplete expression like:

<ns:response> <status> <code>0</code> <desc>success</desc> </status> </ns:response>


thanks ratha response.

consider following scenario:

in bank there 3 different systems: credit system, corebanking system , crm system.

i need "get balances products", so, request customer id, customer id sent crm obtaining customer products. depending of product (credit card or savings account) needs send customer id credit system or corebanking. finally, each system response , esb needs response both balances.

hope can me use case!


i don't think right use aggregate mediator here, since receiving different responses service endpoints, can not correlated using xpath. aggregate mediator, can used along clone/iterate mediators. clone , iterate mediator used send same requests multiple endpoint/such scenarios.

my questions; sending same request different endpoints , responding different type of responses? if so, looks bit wrong, how defined services.

if sending different requests , getting different response, , want aggregate( or create new reponse) based on responses received backend services, fall service chaining pattern, can find in esb documentation. hope clear you.
