objective c - MacOSX 10.8 , xcode 4.6.1 error Cocoa: "Color type user defined runtime attributes on OS X versions prior to 10.7" -

i got warning in xcode 4.6.1/mac osx 10.8 when try open xib file used work in xcode 3.x/ mac osx 10.7

"the file "mqmplugin.xib" has dependency on interface builder 3 plug-in. please choose "upgrade" below remove dependency. changes document may destructive , cannot undone."

if click on upgrade button, several compile errors on xib file.

cocoa: "color type user defined runtime attributes on os x versions prior 10.7" .

[ if select cancel interface builder won't open ].

i tried change user defined runtime attributes[ on bevel button, , other widgets] - color type, , removed user defined run time attribute [color type] in identity inspector, still no luck. tried changing .xib version 4.6 using file inspector. request solve issue.

xcode 4.x stopped custom plugin support xib. our project had custom plugin dependency. solve have click on upgrade button, , have replace custom controls [ part of custom plugin ] standard controls.
