android - AsyncTask returned with multi objects -

i have code generating 2 objects. (arraylist , arraylist). code pulling data database , can take few seconds. looking wrap code around asynctask can add progress bar around it. not think can build them seperate cannot work out how return both of them activity. there way run code , give both objects. examples please time

not sure asking, here general code use:

public class someactivity extends activity {     private progressdialog progressdialog;      new sometask().execute();      public void requestfinished(string response) {         if (progressdialog != null) {         progressdialog.dismiss();         }     }      private class sometask extends asynctask<string, string, string> {         @override         protected void onpreexecute() {             progressdialog =, "", "loading");             super.onpreexecute();         }                 @override         protected string doinbackground(string... uri) {             // db calls here         }          @override         protected void onpostexecute(string response) {         someactivity.this.requestfinished(response);         }     } } 

hope helps...


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