php - Syntax error:MySQL Insert Select -

i have query insert tbl_userprofile:

$sql = "insert tbl_userprofile (userid, name, surname, gender, nationality, address,  mobile, department, email, question, answer) select , '$name', '$surname', '$gender', '$nationality', '$address','$mobile',  '$department', '$email', '$question', '$answer' tbl_user username = '$uname'"; 

i'm getting syntax error saying: "you have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near 'pet-peeve', 'dirt' tbl_user username = 'alex'' @ line 2"

note: pet-peeve , dirt question , answer. dont know how i'm getting syntax error. please syntax error? thanks

there might plain text in 2 last field maybe there quote around, better use addslashes() $question , $answer variables

'$email', '".addslashes($question)."', '".addslashes($answer)."' tbl_user 


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