ios - NSPredicate that filters out subclass results -

i have 2 classes, company , mycompany. mycompany subclass of company, , company subclass of nsmanagedobject. trying write predicate nsfetchrequest return results of class company, filter out mycompany objects.

i have tried following (suggested here

nspredicate *predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"class != %@",nsstringfromclass([mycompany class])]; 

but error:

'keypath class not found in entity <nssqlentity ckcompany id=1>' 

i tried (suggested here, know want not self iskindofclass, testing exact same command given in answer):

nspredicate *predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"self iskindofclass: %@", [mycompany class]; 

and got following error:

'unknown/unsupported comparison predicate operator type' 

how can write predicate achieve want? supporting ios 5 , above.

you can set

[fetchrequest setincludessubentities:no]; 

so fetch request returns objects of entity type of request, , not include subentities.

it (as far know) not possible refer objects class or entity name in predicate if predicate used in core data fetch request.


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