jquery - How to do an entry in javascript map from ajax call -

i modifying previous question since feel problem closely related putting entry in map ajax call. there nothing wrong map.

edit :-

i populating map of feeds in following ways key represent url , value represent feeds;

channelmap.each(function(key,url,n){     loadfeedfor(url,10);     console.debug(feedmap); }); : function loadfeedfor(url,maxposts){      var gurl = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/feed/load?v=1.0&callback=?&q="+url;      if(maxposts != null) gurl += "&num="+maxposts;       $.getjson(gurl, function(){})      .done(function(data){          feeds = data.responsedata.feed;          feedmap.put(url,feeds);       });  } 

but not working. guess have use deffered problem have no idea how.

i using map answer.

i tried doing same thing in way not using map. calling following function different 3 rss feeds url;

function rssfeedsetup(feedid,feedurl,feedlimit){     var feedpointer=new google.feeds.feed(feedurl); //google feed api method     feedpointer.setnumentries(feedlimit); //google feed api method     feedpointer.load(function(response){         console.log(response.feed);         return settimeout(displayfeed(response.feed,feedid), 3000);     }); //google feed api method } 

console prints feeds (25 entries). feeds appear on page less. delay not helping me.


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