sublimetext2 - how to create snippet in sublime text 2 -

<snippet>     <content>         <!doctype html> <html>  <head>         <style type = "text/css">          </style> </head>  <body>         <script type = "text/javascript">          </script> </body>  </html>     </content>     <tabtrigger>html_t</tabtrigger>     <description>html_css_javascript</description>     <scope>html</scope> </snippet> 

when save h.sublime-snippet, error "no content snippet packages /user/h.sublime-snippet"

<snippet>     <content><![cdata[ hello, ${1:this} ${2:snippet}. ]]></content>     <!-- optional: set tabtrigger define how trigger snippet -->     <!-- <tabtrigger>hello</tabtrigger> -->     <!-- optional: set scope limit snippet trigger -->     <!-- <scope>source.python</scope> --> </snippet> 

if compare yours code in example, see yours missing key components -- e.g., <![cdata[ html code , ]]>


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