eclipse - static keyword by itself in Java -

i know static is.. globally.

so looking through code, better in coding myself. i'm looking through minecraft source code, , interested there in files "" , "". not necessary on there, because manner of programming.

so, have regular class method:

public class entitylist{     public static void addmapping( /* variables dont matter */ ){         //call other methods, unimportant     } } 

after there class imported entitylist , this:

import; public class tileentity{     static{         addmapping( /* vars */ );         addmapping( /* vars */ );     } } 

now i'm wondering: how work? please let me know if need know more background of code, cannot redistribute file due copyright , stuff. have decompile minecraft if have yourself.

we can't see real code, guess contains static import:

import static; 


import static*; 

a static import allows referring static field or method of class without having type name of class.

see more details.
