json - Stuck with HTTP GET authentication in Ruby -
i trying write short script http authentication using request
this makes request.
def try_login(u, p) path1 = '/index.php' path2 = '?uuser=#{myuser}&ppass=#{mypass}' r = send_request_raw({ 'uri' => "#{path1}#{path2}", 'method' => 'get' }) ...continued...
but code not work because error says:
undefined local variable or method `myuser'
--> trying send 1 (1) request login parameters, , app responds specific data. , not know how put placeholders user
, pass
in request.
next, checking http response. response comes in json mime this:
success response
{"param1":1,"param2"="auth success","menu":0,"userdesc":"my user","user":"uuser","pass":"ppass","check":"success"}
fail response
{"param1":-1,"param2"="auth fail","check":"fail"}
--> how can check response body kind of data.
i have been trying day now, stuck totally. please advice.
edit: not understand why 1 down voted question saying little no research on part. until before yesterday morning, had absolutely 0 idea ruby code & working it. , spent numerous hours looking @ many different examples, making script , testing out. when still didn't work, asked question here. please, if still want down vote, please, @ least share pointers solve well.
def try_login(u, p) path1 = '/index.php' path2 = '?uuser=#{myuser}&ppass=#{mypass}' r = send_request_raw({ 'uri' => "#{path1}#{path2}", 'method' => 'get' }) ...continued...
should be:
def try_login(u, p) path1 = '/index.php' path2 = "?uuser=#{u}&ppass=#{p}" r = send_request_raw({ 'uri' => "#{path1}#{path2}", 'method' => 'get' }) ...continued...
for parsing json in ruby, recommend take @ this answer question.
edit: reason try_login(u, p)
isn't working expect because ruby not string interpolation single quoted ('
) strings. additionally, myuser
, mypass
not appear correct variables.
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