How do I Make an executable Lua script using srlua? -
my main goal either make lua file executable or make bite code. preferably both of them. trying srlua,but in readme file tells me do:
"for windows, need create srlua.exe , glue.exe first. each lua program want turn stand-alone program, glue srlua.exe prog.lua prog.exe of course, can use name instead of prog.exe."
and when trying compile using codebluck get(srlua.exe),i :
and dose mean this? glue srlua.exe prog.lua prog.exe should type it. in advance.
type shell. once have binary of srlua, takes "prog.lua" , glues "srlua.exe" making "prog.exe". of course, need glue well. can srlua binary , glue binary lua 5.1 here.
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