animation - Android Progress Bar slow rotation on pre HoneyComb devices -

i've been trying achieve smooth rotation of drawer in pre honeycomb devices, impossible me:

in layout.xml

<progressbar     style="@style/progressbarlarge"     android:layout_centerinparent="true" /> 

in styles.xml

<!-- progressbar style --> <style name="progressbarlarge" parent="@android:style/widget.progressbar.large">     <item name="android:layout_width">@dimen/large_size</item>     <item name="android:layout_height">@dimen/large_size</item>     <item name="android:indeterminatedrawable">@drawable/progress_large</item> </style> 

and finally, here drawable:

<rotate xmlns:android=""     android:drawable="@drawable/spinner_green_76"     android:pivotx="50%"     android:pivoty="50%"     android:repeatcount="infinite"     android:todegrees="720" /> 

it works smoothy on api 11 + devices, on pre... gets barred or slowly...

i'm desperate, i've tried change rotate drawer, change drawable resource right api version, couldn't

to avoid processing of every image, can pre-process them on computer, , use frame animation:

an animation defined in xml shows sequence of images in order (like film).


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