ios - Iam adding the array in to the dictionary then remove the all objects from array -

iam adding array in dictionary remove objects array. when print dictionary shows empty.means array data present in dictionary removing.

if ([[[array objectatindex:0]objectatindex:i] isequaltostring:[filteredary objectatindex:j]]) {     [menuary addobject:[array1 objectatindex:i]]; }  [tempdict setvalue:menuary forkey:[filteredary objectatindex:j]]; [menuary removeallobjects]; 

why tempdict shows empty?

the array you're adding dictionary same object 1 you're removing objects from. adding dictionary not create new object, adds reference same object.

if want separate them, should add copy dictionary, so:

nsmutablearray *copiedarray = [[menuary mutablecopy] autorelease]; [tempdict setobject:copiedarray forkey:[filteredary objectatindex:j]]; //... 

if use arc, can leave out autorelease.


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