facebook - Fb.ui method feed not working. Loading gif appears but no error message or anything -

so i've been trying implement fb method feed people can share songs website. doesn't work.

it pops loading gif in dialogue , thats it. no error nothing. i've wasted lot of time trying figure out haven't been able to.

here's code,

share_obj = {     method: 'feed',                       link: "", redirect_uri: "",                       picture: ",                       name: "",                       caption:"" ,                       description: ""             }; fb.ui({method: "permissions.request", "perms": 'publish_stream'},      callback);         function callback(response) { if(response["perms"]=="publish_stream") { var obj = share_obj; fb.ui(obj,callback_share); } } function callback_share(response) { } 

does have facebook app migrations or app permissions?

so turns out, there s no need ask user permissions when invoking fb.ui method. permissions required when intend publish stories via graph api.


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