android - Change holo spinner text colour -

i have spinner in holo theme dialog , trying change text colour because hard read:

dialog spinner text colour

i have looked @ android styles.xml, many other answers, , believe setting custom style correctly; it's not getting picked up.

this extract dialog layout file spinner lives:

<spinner         android:id="@+id/spn_type"         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:layout_weight="1"         android:entries="@array/dose_type_options"         style="@style/dialogspinner" /> 

and these relevant entries in styles.xml in values-v14 folder:

<style name="dialogspinner" parent="@android:style/widget.holo.spinner">         <item name="android:spinneritemstyle">@style/myspinneritem</item> </style>  <style name="myspinneritem" parent="android:widget.holo.textview.spinneritem">     <item name="android:textappearance">@style/mytextappearancespinneritem</item> </style>  <style name="mytextappearancespinneritem" parent="android:textappearance.holo.widget.textview.spinneritem">     <item name="android:textcolor">#fff</item> </style> 

the dialog forced holo dark theme using:

<style name="fibrodialog" parent="@android:style/theme.holo.dialog">  </style> 

can identify why spinner text isn't white?

i have looked @ other solutions, suggest changing colour in code, app supports 2.3.* upwards, non-holo versions black text fine, hence trying styles.


updated using answer woda below

the text colour of initial value of spinner white, goes long way highlighting there spinner there user:

dialog spinner text colour 2

but text colour of selectable items still black. guess it's not massive deal, @ least existence of spinner has been affirmed getting initial text changed white. interested know why items still black, , how change them white.

have tried accept spinneritemstyle theme? spinners in app would've same style. i'm using , works:


<style name="exampletheme" parent="android:theme.holo.light">     <item name="android:spinneritemstyle">@style/spinneritem_example</item>     ... </style> 


<style name="spinneritem_example" parent="android:textappearance.widget.textview.spinneritem">         <item name="android:textcolor">#000000</item> </style> 

update: taking deeper styles.xml brought me this:

<style name="widget.dropdownitem.spinner">         <item name="android:checkmark">?android:attr/listchoiceindicatorsingle</item> </style>  <style name="widget.dropdownitem">         <item name="android:textappearance">@style/textappearance.widget.dropdownitem</item>         <item name="android:paddingstart">@dimen/dropdownitem_text_padding_left</item>         <item name="android:paddingend">@dimen/dropdownitem_text_padding_right</item>         <item name="android:gravity">center_vertical</item> </style> 

so need customize widget.dropdownitem , accept in theme.

... <item name="dropdownitemstyle">@android:style/widget.dropdownitem</item> ... 

for customizing application following 2 links helped me lot understand structure of different views. these 2 files part of android source code. may helps too.


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