.net - trouble calling a method in form 2 from a button click on form 1, vb.net -

i have program creating time sheet , when saved time sheet loaded clicking button on form 1 data loads form 2 , calls method in form 2 print data form 3. problem after call form2.print() there no data on form 2 if open still works in data printed form 3. if remove form2.print() data loaded on form 2 , can click print button , if open form 2 again data still in text boxes. note: ideally send data form 2 , form 3 open button click event on form 1 print() method on form 2 many things program other printing making easier call instead of replicating in open click. thank in advance help. cheers!

form 1 code

    private sub open_click(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles open.click         dim xmldoc xmldocument         dim nodelist xmlnodelist         dim node xmlnode         dim objform2 object = form2           xmldoc = new xmldocument()         xmldoc.load("c:\time.xml")         nodelist = xmldoc.selectnodes("/timesheet/job1")          each node in nodelist             dim custname = node.childnodes.item(0).innertext             form2.txtbxcustname.text = custname             dim wo = node.childnodes.item(1).innertext             form2.txtbxwonum.text = wo         next          objform2.print()     end sub 


form 2 code

    private sub btnprint_click(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles btnprint.click         print()     end sub      public sub print()         form3.labelcustname.text = txtbxcustname.text         form3.labelwonum.text = txtbxwonum.text         me.close()     end sub 

no need cast form2 object call print . new instance of form directly call .and every time assining new values text box inside each block . achieve want can many ways instead of texbox objects show string object.

in form2 , form3 class add

   public property xmldata string 'use own class or other types list  controls(textbox,.)whatever want .       'you have inside open click     dim form2 new form2()   

if want initialize form2 , form3 once , use accross program should add line prevent disposing when closing()

     private sub form2_formclosing(sender object, e system.windows.forms.formclosingeventargs) handles me.formclosing              me.hide()              e.cancel = true      end sub         form2.xmldata=yourxmldata      form2.print()      form2.show()'show form2 

lemme if helped . if not reedit answer u understand


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